The “president’s” State of the Union (SOTU) address was viewed by the fewest number of people compared with his other addresses, which also declined from his first one. According to Deadline.com, among adults 18-49, early numbers indicated NBC’s coverage of the SOTU even with last year’s, but the other networks declined. ABC and CBS both were down 9% and 23% respectively from 2015. Fox saw its SOTU coverage fall 30%. The cumulative demographic rating is down 14% from 2015. It is clear that most Americans are fed up with the “president’s” lectures and prefer watching reruns of home and garden shows to listening to political spin that has little to do with real life in America.
Many Daily Jot readers were representative of Americans who tuned out. CD wrote, “For [sic, the “president”] there is no truth, only lies, because he lives in an alternate reality with his Marxist cohorts. Unfortunately this nation has to suffer through his lies and deal with the reality his lies have created.” SW wrote: “Very difficult to keep a liar from lying. It is a habit and a commitment and a strategy… We know they are lying and we do nothing to stop them because while they are lying, we are sleeping…I could not watch another hour of O telling lies so I read my book instead. I am much happier in the knowledge that, for a short time at least, I can still stop watching liars lie. Someday that may not be an option.”
From Africa, WD commented: “Thank God he is not the president of an African or a 3rd world country. If he were, he would indisputably end up to be the most notorious dictator ever in the world!” HB wrote: “We can’t stand to look at him let alone a listen…Proverbs 14:7, “LEAVE the presence of a fool or you will not discern words of knowledge.” Proverbs 17:7: “Excellent speech is not fitting for a fool, much less are lying lips to a prince.”” EM added: “He is a monster who works for monsters who hate America. This kind of orchestrated evil is happening all over the world. It is baffling…It really appears like there is a worldwide mental illness that has taken hold of the leaders of the nations.”
ES wrote: “I’m going to forward this to several – see if I can get SOME kind of response from some of my liberal relatives – open some kind of line of dialogue. Thankfully above many other things, and barring something highly unusual, we won’t have to endure this kind of lying mockery from our so called “president” ever again, so in my view, things are actually already starting to look up, even if just in some small way. Oddly, I feel so much peace just at that thought alone, though I know we are far from out of the woods. But it’s a blessed opportunity for me to stop and take just a moment to say “Thank you Jesus!!!!!” Yeah, brother…That was worth five exclamation points.” There were many more, but you can see from the comments why people are disconnecting. Let us all remember to reconnect as we choose our leaders wisely.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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