Throwback Thursday: 2010…Boyd & Co. Turn Albuquerque Into The Late-Term Abortion Capital of the World


(Picture by Orae Dominguez)

By Bud Shaver

Before Operation Rescue sent us as missionaries to New Mexico back in 2010, Operation Rescue released a five part series: “Abortion Capital” which delves into the business of lucrative late-term abortions in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In case you missed this 5 part series back in 2010, here is an in depth look into the late-term abortion business and the key players at Southwestern Women’s Options late term abortion facility in Albuquerque:

Abortion Capital, Pt. 1: The Wild, Wild West

Abortion Capital, Pt. 2: “Am I Killing? Yes, I am. I know that”

Abortion Capital, Pt. 3: “A baby came out and it was moving”

Abortion Capital, Pt. 4: The Dancing Dog

Abortion Capital, Pt. 5: “We think the process is safe. Nothing is perfect”

This quote by Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue is the final paragraph of “Abortion Capital” revealing Operation Rescues purpose in releasing this extensive 5 part series and goal in sending us to Albuquerque:

 “We plan to use every legal option available to us to make sure the killing stops, from First Amendment street activism, to political lobbying, to options that may be available through the legal system. But the first step is to raise public awareness and warn others of the dangers so they don’t fall victim to this predatory late-term abortion mill. We pray that this series of investigative reports will help do that.”

With God’s favor, Operation Rescue’s continued help and the resolved commitment of local Albuquerque Protest Priest Fr. Stephen Imbarrato…a unified collaborative effort has produced great fruit in raising national and local awareness about the New Mexico abortion cartel and has also laid a foundation for the great things that continue to bring us closer to seeing abortion end in the state.

Operation Rescue just released a report highlighting the six most dangerous abortion businesses in America since 1973…Southwestern Women’s Options has been exposed as one of the most dangerous facilities in the country! 

Read the full report here: Six Abortion Businesses that Prove “Roe” Didn’t Make Abortion Safe

For more information about our ministry efforts in New Mexico visit:

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