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University of New Mexico Harvests Baby Parts Within Minutes of Late-Term Abortions


UNM Harvests Baby Body Parts Within Minutes of Late- Term Abortions
Is UNM’s Clinical Assistant Professor, Late-Term Abortionist Curtis Boyd Breaking Federal Law ? 
New Mexico Alliance for Life has obtained details from a 2015 UNM research studydescribing… in their own words… how aborted baby liver and kidney “tissue” is harvested from “six fetuses,” only 15 minutes after the babies are killed by UNM’s Curtis Boyd abortionists: 
Elisa Martinez, executive director of NMAFL, questions how Boyd is not breaking federal law by performing abortions with the intent to harvest intact baby bodies for UNM’s research.
“This leaves many alarming questions concerning how notorious late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd, still serves as a UNM “assistant professor,”abortionist and tissue collection facilitator. The total disregard for human life illustrated in this UNM Department of Pediatrics research study by Dr. Robin Ohls and team is both sickening and horrifying. Death row inmates are treated with greater respect and dignity than these innocent, unborn babies. Additionally, this study has no merit, but reveals a blood thirst for human bodies to experiment with rather than seeking any worthwhile therapeutic application.” See more below.
Is UNM’s Curtis Boyd Breaking the Law?
Is UNM’s Boyd altering the abortion procedure, endangering women’s safety in order harvest intact, aborted baby bodies for UNM studies?
This study brings into serious question as to whether UNM’s Curtis Boyd is changing abortion procedures for UNM to harvest baby livers and kidneys from “six fetuses” in this study. How is it possible for Boyd to provide six, intact “fetuses ranging 12 -22 weeks” for UNM’s Dr. Ohls to harvest?  Is Boyd performing illegal partial birth abortions in order to provide Dr. Ohls a selection of wholly, intact “six fetuses” to harvest?  The procedure Boyd states he uses up to 20 weeks, involves dismemberment and removal of tissue from the uterus.  So how is it possible for him to provide “six fetuses” if their bodies have been dismembered and mangled from theabortion procedure?
Federal law states that an abortionist is not allowed to change the procedure to collect tissue: “No alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue.” Federal HHS regulations state: “The timing and method of abortion should not be influenced by the potential uses of fetal tissue for transplantation or medical research.”
Furthermore, UNMHSC officals told the Albuquerque Journal they have “no documents to show how much fetal tissue is sent from Boyd’s clinic to UNM researchers, nor how often.” However, clearly this study documents exactly “six fetuses” in UNM’s Dr. Ohls possession to conduct the study.  This is a very serious matter and demonstrates blatant abuse of public trust and funds by UNM’s failure to provide documents. Join NMAFL in bringing this information to light by contacting UNM leadership and NM state leaders today and demanding answers.
Leading Researcher Examines UNM’s Dr. Ohls’ Study:  “Basic Science…No Near-Term nor Long-Term Application”
Dr. David Prentice, leading stem-cell, cloning and bioethics researcher 
On UNM Health Sciences Center research study using fetal lung and kidney: “an elementary fishing expedition.”
Leading researcher in stem cell, cloning and bioethics, Dr. David Prentcie, who has testified as an expert before British Parliament, European Parliament, Canadian Parliament and U.S. Congress reviewed this UNM study using fetal lung and kidney tissue harvested by UNM’s Dr. Ohls:“This is very basic science, an elementary fishing expedition to look at simple molecular changes and regulation of one particular gene.  There is no near-term nor even long-term target for therapeutic application.  The experimental design was simplistic and poorly controlled, such that the authors could only “speculate” regarding the implication of the results.”
1) Contact UNM Health Sciences Board and UNM Board of Regents and tell them toterminate any and all contracts with Curtis Boyd.
NMAFL has retained legal counsel to assist in our ongoing investigation. We have asked for information detailing storage, transportation and collection processes, regarding UNM’s research studies and inventory of aborted baby body parts. Our public record requests have been met with incomplete and evasive responses from UNM officials.
2) Tell UNM to respond to NMAFL’s pending open records requests by their own values of  ” integrity in all our interactions- transparent and honest with no hidden agenda.”
UNM Board of Regents, 505-277-7639
Partner with New Mexico Alliance for Life, by making a secure, online donation today. Your donation (click here) of $25, $50, $200 or more will help us to continue our ongoing investigation.  Thank you for your support in helping us defend LIFE.
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