He did what???? That’s the last straw! That’s the final insult! The image of God! And, He gave it to that, that . . . thing; . . . that man thing!
Satan wanted, no, hungered for that image; whatever it was that God had, Satan found desirable. That desire was the beginning of his spiraling downward, from the glories of heaven to the eventual thorns and thistles of earth. Whether or not Satan wants that image for himself today, I do not know. But I am convinced of this; he will do anything within his power to destroy or distort the image of God that is on the man. He hates God! And, because of the image, he hates man!
Even the fallen man holds the image; though it is an impure image, it’s there, none the less. For the devil, the easiest way to mutilate the image of God on man is to destroy the family unit, which God ordained, which also holds the image. Beloved, can you not see what this lethal, immoral, enemy is doing to further blight the image, even within the families of those who are at a distance from God?
Now, take it a stage further. This enemy of God and now of man, Satan, now has to contend with the redeemed man who now has the blood covered image of God, and this thing called “Church”. The church has the unmistakable image of God all the way through; therefore, it must be destroyed! Within the church, this enemy causes misunderstanding, disunity, and disorder. Am I wrong? He entices the individuals and the family unit members to imitate the morals of the fallen world. The church, under his influence, now tolerates societal morals, and even embraces them. You know these things are true!
The good news is Christ has won the victory; however the question is: Who is winning right now? And better yet; what are we/you going to do about it? Church; wake up! Pray On!