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Albuquerque Police Capture Fugitive Clah

PRAISE GOD!!! From APD FACEBOOK: APD Officers just located and apprehended escaped prisoner fugitive, Lionel Clah, on the 4000 block of Morris NE. He is being transported to NM State Police now. Huge thanks to all involved including, NM Corrections Department, NM State Police, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department and all of the community who helped law enforcement agencies in the search for these two fugitives!


We have been in constant prayer here in the war room…….praying for our Law Enforcement Officers safety in their search for the escaped killer and the other thug. Killer Cruz has been caught. Thug Lionel Clah is still on the run. It is something when Police warn residents to stay in their homes and lock the doors! How did these two escape the prison van?  ABQ JOURNAL STORY HERE Let us be in constant prayer for the arrest of Clah and the safety of all! In Jesus name we pray, Amen! Last night when I went into Walgreens to get some allergy medicine, two young Police Officers were inside the store, they looked no older than 16!!!!! Our young people are growing up in an America that I no longer recognize, these young people are facing a country full of violence. I grabbed their hands and told them we pray for them constantly! They both smiled and we had a nice chat!

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