Obama’s Lack of Respect


On today’s program we discuss Obama not going to Nancy Reagan’s funeral. What do you think of this? He also did not go to Justice Scalia’s funeral, Obama continues to make bad choices in his life. We also share on the Episcopalian Priest who had an abortion. Listen in now for more News and Views from The HUB of New Mexico and FGGAM.

“The Real Sex Week” at UNM continues:

Pregnant & Parenting Support: Can You Go To School And Be A Parent?Wednesday March 9th at 6 PM
Many students feel pressured to drop out of school or have an abortion when they find out their pregnant. We will show the support and resources that are available on and off campus to students, in order to empower students to parent and earn their degree! Meet organizations like Pregnant on Campus, WIC, CYFD Child Care, UNM Daycare, St. Joseph’s Children, the Women’s Resource Center, First Nations, Women’s Pregnancy Options, Care Net, Lobo Parenting, Lovelace, and Equal Opportunity. All of these organizations will be offering support to students who are pregnant or parenting.


Healing after Sexual AssaultThursday March 10th at 6 PM
Have you or a loved one ever experienced sexual assault? You are not alone. The guest speaker Rebecca Frock to offer healing, support, and resources to survivors of sexual assault.
This is a judgment-free and non-shaming environment for all who feel comfortable to attend. We hope you can find community and healing. Meet organizations like Revoking Silence, Lobo Respect and Equal Opportunity.


What comes after abortion? A Talk from Surrendered HeartsThursday March 10th at 7 PM
Have you or someone you know had an abortion? Surrendered Hearts Ministry will be here to give a talk on how you can be supported, and/or support those in your life. Surrendered hearts in a non-profit organization with the mission of serving women – and their families – who have been through the trauma of an abortion. Laura Rosecrans will be here to share her experience and journey towards healing, as well as offering resources and information on connecting you to healing retreats, finding community support, and give practical resources for being there for those in your life who may come to you for support. This is a non-judgmental, non-shaming environment, aimed at supporting women. We do hope to see you there:)


Self-Defense Training For Women With MMA Fighter, Jesonna OllisFriday March 11th at 6 PM
The Real Sex Week is offering a FREE self-defense training to all women! MMA Fighter, Jesonna Ollis and trainer, Greg Mundth will be giving a FREE two hour-long workshop on how women can protect themselves on and off campus. We will be discussing the mental and physical techniques behind defending ourselves and demanding respect as women! Meet organizations like Jackson Academy Gym, UFC Gym, and Lobo Respect. 
It’s stories like this that show us first hand on how much of the Church is messed up on the sanctity of life. This is just all wrong…all messed up. God’s people need to grow some backbone and stand up against those who are trying to do harm! Whether it’s opposition in the Church or elsewhere , the people of God need to start standing for the things of God and stop allowing the opposition so much freedom to destroy God’s creation. Killing another human being for our desires is just plain ungodly! It is first degree murder.
This story comes from The Christian Post:
An Episcopal priest is claiming that being able to get an abortion allowed her to complete divinity school.
According to The Christian Post, the priest, the recently retired Rev. Anne Fowler, shared her story as part of the pro-abortion testimony in the important Supreme Court battle over access to abortion.
Fowler’s story was one of ten women’s stories submitted to the Court, arguing that getting an abortion was a positive life choice.
“If the Reverend Anne Fowler had not had access to an abortion when she accidentally became pregnant after enrolling in divinity school, she would never have been able to graduate, to serve as a parish rector, or to help the enormous number of people whose lives she has touched. Unable to pursue her calling or to be the mother she wanted to be for the daughter she already had, she would have been broken,” said the brief
Another poor choice by President Obama..not going to Nancy Reagan’s funeral. It’s just plain awful. This President has made bad choices a habit. Lets have some plain talk here, Obama is un-American. He does not represent us. Obama did not go to Justice Scalia’s funeral either. What a horrible example this man is to our children and the world. God’s people need to grow some backbone and stand up against those who are trying to do harm! Whether it’s opposition in the local church or opposition at a higher level, the people of God need to start standing for the things of God and stop allowingNancy R the opposition so much freedom to destroy America. Life is all about choices, and Obama makes more and more ungodly choices…..
In the news

Obama picks SXSW over Nancy Reagan’s funeral

New York Post10 hours ago

But Obama and former President Bill Clinton did not attendthefuneral. Ex-First Lady Hillary …

More news for Obama not going to Nancy Reagan funeral

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