This morning I want to share with you the best recap I have read on the Franklin Graham Prayer Rally at the New Mexico State Capital. I was blessed to be there, many could not come because it took place during the work day. So this recap is very important. I ask the question, has the Prayer Rally changed your life? Are you answering the call to action that Franklin Graham put forth to all of us? I also want to encourage you to subscribe to the Baptist newspaper, even if you are not Baptist, you will find so much information that will help you in your daily walk with our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what denomination you are! PRAISE GOD! I always look forward to getting the
paper in the mail! Amen! I love my friends at the Baptist New Mexican.
By Kevin Parker of The Baptist New Mexican
Aiming to “take back our nation,” Franklin Graham led 2,500 New Mexico Christians to publically confess national and personal sins and challenged them to exercise their influence with hope in God alone.
The Decision America Tour is a ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, named after retired evangelist Billy Graham. Graham’s oldest son, Franklin, now leads the association as its senior evangelist. Franklin Graham also serves as the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse. The tour is Franklin’s effort, during this election year, to visit every state with a call to prayer for the nation and a call to serve in and influence government at every level, essentially Christian political involvement. The tour’s website says that Graham will use rally stops along the tour to urge Christians “to vote, to live out their faith in every part of their lives, and to pray for the nation.” Santa Fe’s rally was the ninth stop in the planned 50 stops of the tour.