UNM Fetal Tissue Investigation Meeting Tonight

New Mexico Alliance for Life Uncovers New Mexico Taxpayers are Subsidizing Private Abortion Clinic Owner Curtis Boyd’s Medical Malpractice Insurance  
Abortionist Boyd Lacks Minimum Qualifications for UNM Professorship, UNMHSC Violates Own Policy AGAIN to Accommodate Boyd
Monday, Live Action News broke the bombshell story that Curtis Boyd, owner of the nation’s largest late-term abortion facility, is receiving free medical malpractice coverage by the state of New Mexico, paid by taxpayers, via his appointment as an assistant clinical professor at the University of New Mexico. Not only are NM taxpayers subsidizing Boyd’s malpractice insurance, but NMAFL has searched the Patient Compensation Fund, an index of physicians covered by the NM Medical Malpractice Act, and has found that neither Curtis Boyd nor Southwestern Women’s Options has coverage.  Southwestern Women’s Options, owned by Boyd, and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNMHSC) are currently under congressional investigation for the harvesting of aborted baby parts.  NMAFL asks, is this how UNMHSC provides compensation to Boyd in exchange for aborted baby body parts and organs  from his late-term clinic?

Students for Life is co-hosting an infomative meeting with the NM Alliance for Life. If you are interested in learning about the current UNM Fetal Tissue Investigation we’d love to invite you. This is an event for pro-life supporters only on private property. You will be aksed to leave if you are not a pro-life supporter.

NM AllianceUNM students 1

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