Donald Trump Should Educate Himself, America is Not a Democracy


Presidential hopeful Donald Trump is ignorant about America’s form of government as many Americans are. Too many people, like the Donald, believe that America has a democratic form of government and you will hear chants of one person, one vote when that is not what we have.

The United States of America has a more complicated form of government than a simple democracy and Donald Trump is not the first American leader to make such an error. President Bush also thought of America as a democracy and wanted to export it to other countries because democracy is what makes America great but nothing could be further from the truth.

The American form of government is usually called a democratic republic; it uses a filtration system to remove some of the toxins found in a pure democracy because a straight democracy always fails.

The roots to our form of government can be found in part in the biblical model of local leaders being elected by the people who in turn elect the leaders higher up.

So as Donald Trump is crying over the Colorado delegates going to Ted Cruz without a vote and it being unfair and not democratic, he shows his ignorance of the political system we operate under. Each of the states have devised their own method for selecting their presidential nominee and Colorado voted last fall to have theirs chosen at the state convention, but many voters ignored the process and were not involved and now they cry foul.

Ted Cruz took the time and did the hard work to gain delegates using the system in each state and some times the popular vote is not enough. Some states such as Iowa where you had to dedicate face time and build relationships with locals are paying huge dividends to Cruz and Trump is upset because he cannot just Tweet his way to victory.

This election is likely to get very ugly as we work our way to the convention but we should better understand that America was not build on people just showing up on election day but on taking the time to argue about what America should be as a nation.

We have a sacred obligation to choose Godly leaders of character who will in turn choose the leaders we need on the next level but without that first choice being made soberly we have little hope of having leaders at the national level who care about doing what is right and good.

By the way, if Donald Trump has little to no clue how our form of government chooses its leaders, then he really has no business trying to run it because he will not understand how to do even the basic tasks of passing laws or choosing cabinet members.

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