4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.” (John 13:3-4)
True believers, Christians, are those who have been born from above receiving the divine nature, thereby forming habits from that nature (the new life within). They are not actors pretending the nature of God, but demonstrating the very grace of God.
These genuine believers are never hindered by always looking for “big things” to do for the Kingdom of God that will give them a name; a reputation, because they know the Jesus model. Jesus “took a towel” and humbly served His fellow man through the act of washing their feet, something a servant might do.
Growing Christians are always learning to live in the common daily experiences of life by the power of God; always available to God to do the “unnoticed” acts of grace and mercy.
These faithful ones live in obedience within their daily experiences because they believe the experience is God acting as they receive Grace for grace, in gracious living through the atonement. LORD helping, I can do this. I embrace His towel merciful service. How about you?