If You Want His Peace, You Better Participate


His first message to His disciples was intended to bDewey life versering PEACE to their lives. His second message would require their PARTICIPATION in His Kingdom work. The message: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” The first message is one of comfort! The second message is one of commission. You see, not only did Jesus comfort the disturbed, sometimes He had to disturb the comfortable. I sometimes say when I preach, “I have come to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable.” The reason I have such a hard time accepting the teachings of some churches today is because they just focus only on keeping people comfortable, giving out HAPPY MEALS! LOL! Listen, if you really KNOW JESUS and you really KNOW the PEACE that HE can bring into people’s hearts and lives, you will want to do more than just warm the pew on Sunday mornings! Listen now to my podcast please……

Here is a post I did today………..please pray for us………

 Pastor Dewey Note: God gave may a vision to go to Windom, Minnesota 6 years ago and preach the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ in my home town, which I love so very much. It is where my Christian foundation was built. Please pray in your war room for this effort for God. This write up was in the Cottonwood County Citizen last week. It is written by a strong man of God, Dave Fjeld.Dewey Preaching in Belen
Moede excited about county revival
The Windom native is eager to bring the good news of Jesus to the people of Cottonwood County.
If you know Dewey Moede, you know he has a passion for a number of things and people. At the top of the list is his love for Jesus and not far down that list is his passion for his hometown and county — Windom and Cottonwood County.
He’s excited to be bringing the two together in what might be described as a “new-fashioned” revival.
The 1974 graduate of Windom Area High School heads up For God’s Glory Alone Ministries in Albuquerque, N.M., a non-denominational, nonprofit ministry in New Mexico. He has been involved in Christian ministry since 1986 and been a pastor since 2009, first serving as an associate pastor at Church of God in Los Lunas, N.M.
However, since becoming a pastor, Moede has been awaiting an opportunity to answer God’s call to bring the people of Cottonwood County the good news of Jesus. That opportunity now seems set for Aug. 26-27.
Planned for the BARC Auditorium, the revival is bringing other former Windomites back to the community to speak, including 1970 graduates Bob Elness and Franz Boelter and 1973 graduate Paul Dokken. Elness is a pastor; Dokken has preached at a boys ranch near Sioux Falls; Boelter is a longtime Hall of Fame coach at Bethlehem Academy in Faribault.
“They want to relate to the people in the Windom and Cottonwood County area how blessed they were to grow up in a community like Windom,” Moede says. “The basis of the revival is to share the love for the Windom community and thank the community for where we’re at in our lives and also to share the love of Jesus Christ and the love of community.
“We’re very thankful for the life, the growing up, we had in Windom. This is a way for us to help pay back Windom and show our love for the community.”
Moede hopes this revival attracts all people, especially those who don’t attend a church or don’t know Jesus.
However, he emphasizes two things — this is a non-denominational event and it won’t be the fire and brimstone Bible-thumping spectacle from days gone by.
“Some people look at revival and think of people yelling and screaming — Bible-thumpers,” Moede says. “That’s not what this revival’s about. This is going to be a revival of the love of Jesus, the love of community, the love of Windom and Cottonwood County and the blessings they’ve received.
“All denominations are welcomed and if you don’t know Jesus, come! We’d love to tell you about Jesus. Pastors are invited to come and if they want to speak, they’ll speak. We would love to have pastors from all over Cottonwood County, Jackson County, the whole area.”
However, the goal of the revival is the same as any revival.
“That many come to know Jesus and many come to know Jesus better,” Moede emphasizes.
Although this revival has been on Moede’s heart for some time, he knows it doesn’t happen without the Holy Spirit.
“Any revival that doesn’t have the Holy Spirit falls flat on its face. The Holy Spirit has to come first and you have to follow the Holy Spirit,” Moede says. “I get asked a lot, ‘Well, why this, or you should do this.’ Well, nothing happens without God telling me to act.”
The movement really got rolling when Moede had called good friend Rod Byam in Windom to extend sympathies on the passing of his sister, Laurie Vock, last fall.
“We started talking and Rod shared with me his walk with Jesus and his increased  faith (since his tree accident). Then we started talking about revival and here we are today,” Moede confirms.
Byam is part of a local committee that includes about a half dozen other area residents who are working to make the revival happen.
Meanwhile, Moede and his FGGAM board are constantly praying and talking about the Windom revival.
Although the event is still four months away, Moede wanted to get the word out now for one very important purpose.
“Prayer. Revival doesn’t start without prayer and seeking God’s face and a movement of the Holy Spirit,” Moede confirms. “Everything starts with prayer and that’s why we started months ago.
“The revival I did last August in Reserve, New Mexico was the result of two years of planning and praying. So, this revival in Windom has really been seven or eight years of prayer and now a lot of intensive prayer over the last few months. It all starts with prayer.”
Moede seeks prayer for many things to come together over the next four months and he knows that what might be planned now for the revival, may look totally different by the time August rolls around.
Indeed, the revival will continue to evolve over the next few months, Moede says. For instance, a West Virginia woman, who is an outstanding fiddle player, contacted him about being a part of the revival in Windom.
Moede also knows of another woman who was a part of the revival at First Baptist Church in Reserve, N.M., last August, who is traveling to Windom at her expense, to be a part of the revival. She knows what happened in her community following the revival.
“It brought unification in the church. It brought pastors together. After the revival, the pastors started a weekly Bible study together,” Moede says. “There were baptisms and fruit is still being bared from that revival.”
In fact, Moede is very open to doing baptisms, possibly at Cottonwood Lake, and inviting people to share their testimonies.
“One of the great things about revivals is inviting people to come forward and share how God has worked in their life,” Moede says.
However, there are two pieces of the revival that have been set in place — the dates and special recognition for First Responders, police, fire, EMTs, nurses and doctors on the first night of the revival. Moede also plans to recognize Jack Kelly, for whom the BARC gym is being renamed.
While revival is about planting seeds for God, Moede knows the work doesn’t stop there. Those seeds must be fertilized and nurtured on a regular basis. And that’s what he wants to see happen, well beyond the revival.
“We don’t want to come and do a pep rally,” Moede emphasizes. “We want this to have a lasting effect for our Lord and for the people of Windom. We want to get people who don’t have a church connected with a local church, which is why we want to work with local churches and pastors.
“We will not just leave Windom when the revival is over. We will have people, like Rod Byam and others, who will be there to help people with their walk with Jesus.”
Moede notes that there are still needs for the revival. He is seeking people who could provide special music and, of course, there are financial needs as well. He asks for continued prayer for the revival and that spiritually and financially, everything will come together.
If anyone has questions or would like more information about supporting the revival, contact Moede at 505-681-0331, or by email at radiodewey@aol.com; or Rod Byam at 831-4904.
Pastor Dewey Note: FGGAM is a 501-c-3 non profit. Please pray about a love offering to this huge effort. We just need our expenses covered. We are already getting phone calls of interest from the Windom area since Dave’s write up. God is on the move, revival starts with prayer, I have been praying over this for 6 years!!! Please pray for us daily. We are going to shine the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time.
Here is a post from April 10th this year after the Revival in Belen, NM that I was blessed to take part in………

Ask ten people what is a Revival, and you probably get ten different answers. In 2008 Time to Revive out of Dallas, TX, headed by Kyle Martin, held a Revival at the brand new Santa Fe, NM Convention Center, it was the first event held there!

This was a turning point in my life, now as I look back years later.

Kyle and his wonderful Ministry had a tremendous effect on New Mexico. There was a tremendous change for God during this Revival and after. I was manager at KKIM Christian radio at the time. We broadcasted live the press conference where the secular press was all upset about this REVIVAL! The Mayor backed out of the Revival, saying there was HATE being preached! There was no hate being preached, hundreds came all week long to the Revival, I had not seen anything like it in New Mexico. At the press conference I interviewed at least 8 Pastors that stood with Kyle and Time to Revive. The secular press that came armed for “war” retreated with the love and respect that was shown to them.

This revival changed the atmosphere in New Mexico…The Holy Spirit moved across New Mexico, more people got involved in government, in what was going on at the State Legislature, unGodly legislation was stopped by the people of God! It was an AWAKENING in New Mexico! Christians became more involved in our government, not for themselves, but for God and His ways.

Time to Revive helped REVIVE the people of New Mexico for God. It was a wake up call from God.

Hearts were changed for Jesus.

During the Revival, I told Kyle that God had moved me to start a radio program for him on KKIM. Kyle started and went on to be one of our most listened to programs ever!

I also met two other gentleman thorough Time to Revive that impacted my life so powerfully, John Lay, who now owns and operates Dignity Hospice in Dallas and Houston, John also serves as an adviser to FGGAM. The other person I met that really impacted my life was Mark Doering of Dallas.

I also then became a Board Member of Time to Revive, I served for about 4 years. I learned a lot about Ministry through Time to Revive, which does Revivals all over the world now. I call Kyle, a young Billy Graham I traveled with Time to Revive to Asheville, N.C. several years ago, I broadcasted live from there on KKIM. I also was part of the team that went out and reached into the community to minister to folks, to go where the people are.

So many Wiccen witches live in Asheville, right in Billy Graham’s back yard there. I was told that more Wiccen witches live in Asheville than any other place in the United States.

Hearts were changed for Jesus in Asheville.

I will never forget the sermon that John Lay preached one night in Asheville, WOW! POWERFUL!

I learned from the best on how to change the atmosphere for God. Seek God’s face, pray, fast, pray for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit, not your movement, but a movement of the Holy Spirit, pray for lives to be changed.

To many hold “High School Pep Rallies” and they do nothing but that, a pep rally, that fizzles soon afterwards.

A Revival changes hearts for God.

We must come to a place where we, this includes Pastors and Church leaders, where we renounce our self-focused approach to life and turn the attention and control over to God. When this happens, God orients us to Himself and to the purposes He is accomplishing around us. We must have a God-centered outlook. Dewey Preaching in Belen

When I served as Pastor Jim Montoya’s Associate Pastor in Los Lunas, NM at the Open Door Church of God, we held about a half dozen revivals, some at the Church and others at city parks.

One of the first things I did when God called me out of KIKIM radio and to form FGGAM for HIM, was to travel to Efland, N.C. to take part in Hope in Today’s Revival. Sister Karen Rowe is founder of Hope in Today,  I met Karen while I was with KKIM, she had a program on KKIM, Karen asked me to come and preach! WOW! WEE! POWERFUL MOVEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! The atmosphere was changed in the Efland area and never has been the same! Hearts were moved so much in that community! Karen is a powerful women of God, her husband is a powerhouse for God! Blessed to have Karen as a writer here at FGGAM!

The Revival that FGGAM held in Reserve, NM in August of 2015 was powerful. It was held at the First Baptist Church and it involved the entire community! Pastors of different denominations spoke, healing’s took place, baptisims took place…….all for God, hearts were changed for our Lord Jesus Christ. Fruit is still coming forth from that Revival. You can see the fruit.

Yesterday I was blessed to Preach for Jesus at the Belen, NM Revival hosted by Pastor Andrew Dominicus of Holy Ghost and Fire Ministry Fellowship Church in Belen. There was a POWERFUL MOVEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT over Belen yesterday! Young and old came to hear many Pastors preach the good news of Jesus Christ and there was music with a message. The atmosphere was changed for Jesus over the Belen area! Hearts were changed, just like Pastor Jim Montoya would do, Pastor Andrew was prepared to baptize people right there in the city park! PTL! for BOLD MEN! The horse trough was filled with water! Amen!

There are plans for Revivals in Quemado, NM and Grants, NM this summer. I have been asked to preach in Grants. Please pray for these Revival’s hosted by the Baptist Church.

FGGAM is planning to hold a Revival in Windom, Minnesota this August. The dates are the 26th and 27th. This Revival is very special to me. I do not have the words to express this movement of God. I have been praying for this since 2009, when I became a Pastor. I prayed over the Revival in Reserve for almost 2 years! Everything of and by God starts with prayer! Windom  is my hometown. It is where my Christian foundation was built. It is where I had many people, from School teachers, Sunday School teachers, Community leaders, my family raise me up in the ways of God! Amen! This Revival is meant to pay back Windom for what it has done for me! My friend Rodney Byam in Windom is heading up a group of Friends who are leading the charge for God is getting this all set up!

God is moving powerfully for the “For God’s Glory Alone Windom Revival”, so far, joining me are Pastor Bobby Elness out of North Carolina, a graduate of Windom High School, Bobby lived right across the street from me on 11th Ave! Franz Boelter an awesome man of God, who graduated with Bobby will also be speaking. Franz is a member of the Minnesota Coaches Hall-of Fame. Franz just lived up the street from us on River Road. My Dear friend Paul Dokken who graduated a year ahead of me will also be speaking. Paul and I became Friends when we served together as football student managers for Coach Ron Meyer. Paul preaches at a Boys Ranch near Sioux Falls, S.D. Paul is a pilot for Delta.

Revival does not start with us, it starts with the Will of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit in the people that are leading the way, it has to be of God. Nothing Godly happens unless God is leading the way.

Revival is planting seeds for God and then fertilizing them on a regular basis. Helping raise them up in God.

I do not ask for much folks, but would you please pray for God’s Will for the Windom Revival and pray for funding? A reminder that FGGAM is a 501c3 non-profit. Please help us continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ all over the world! FGGAM.ORG reaches nearly a half million folks over the world every month, including countries like Israel, Russia, with news and inspiration and my sermon podcasts, we give all GLORY TO GOD! We not only preach the good news in New Mexico, but all over the world!

Sharon my wife, and I thank you all for your love. Without Sharon,Dewey and Sharon in Oct this ministry would not happen, she works full-time to help fund this ministry.

We love you all! Thank you for anything you can do to support this movement of God.

John Belew of Santa Fe, NM a FGGAM supporter: “Dewey, you are everywhere!” We are out and about for our Lord Jesus Christ, doing the workDewey life verseHe assigned us to do. Love you John and Melba!

If you are interested in having FGGAM come to your area for a Revival, please just send me a note! PTL!

Here is one of the best posts I have ever read on REVIVAL! It was written by Pastor Bill Ruhl who serves as Vice-Chairman of FGGAM.

I asked Pastor Bill Ruhl of Global Destiny Ministries and Vice-Chairman of FGGAM to set the stage for Revival in in Reserve, New Mexico August 14, 15, and 16.  Revival 2015


Revival is not a church event, but a lifestyle for believers. It is not something you do, but something you become. Revival is the life giving Spirit breath being breathed into you. Those that were asleep awaken and those that were dead in their trespasses receive resurrection life. Revival happens when those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, respond to the Savior’s voice, and “Come Forth”!

Revival is about pursuing God’s presence daily, at every occasion, in every circumstance, so much so that the atmosphere shifts and the culture around you changes. We don’t pursue revival for the Church, God pursues the Church to participate with Him in revival for their community. When revival comes the Church is awakened from its slumber and that activity in turn causes the community around it to arise from the dead.

My favorite scripture for this revival understanding is:      Eph 5:14 – “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” (NKJV) Awaken church, come alive you who are dead in your understanding, and the Light of Jesus Christ shall shine upon you, illuminate the Truth, and give you Light! Wow…What an amazing revelation from the Word!

Revival is activity within the Church and the culture. If you don’t have both you don’t have revival. And revival is only sustained for as long as people’s hearts are pressed into what God is doing and not offended by what He is doing during this appointed time. Blackaby, in his instructional teaching “Experiencing God”, said if you want to be a part of the move of God, find out where he is working and join Him there.” Notice we join God in what He is doing, we don’t direct God to what we think should be done. Revival is necessarily God inspired, Spirit driven, and Jesus focused; We look to see and listen to hear what the Father is doing, not to take control, but to join Him as obedient participants.


Revival is not a return to the old, but participation in the birthing of a new thing. Paul said in Phil 3:13-14… “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind (the old things that lulled us to sleep) and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward (I am awakened to) the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (NKJV – italic portion mine) We are called to press on to that which is now at hand, the fresh move of God.

Revival is a time of the Church growing stronger in the revelation and illumination of the Word. It is a time of Kingdom growth by many salvations. And it is a time of overall spiritual growth in a region by a greater awareness of God’s manifested presence that openly affects both the Church and the surrounding culture.

God is always in revival mode and in a revival mood. His call is for us to “Come forth!” and join Him in what He is doing today!

Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry – Vice Chair FGGAM

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