Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre Say, “Thank You New Mexico”


Dewey Sharon Leonard Diana

Today we share on the farewell party that Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, New Mexico held for Pastor Leonard and Diana Navarre, please listen to our podcast.

Pastor Leonard just sent this letter of thanks……….

Good morning all:

Words cannot express Diana’s and my love, appreciation and heartfelt thanks for making our last Sunday as Staff at Valley View Christian Church SO SPECIAL.  The whole day was so wonderful and heartwarming to us.  I know I will miss some in my thanks, but here goes:  Big thank you to Pastor Brandon, elders: Tom Schafer, Jason Weaver and Chris Keller for their love, friendship and especially their leadership here at VVCC.  You all are very special leaders in our church circles of today.  Big thank you to the Hospitality team for the Reception:  Jeneane Weaver, Debbie Begosian, Candace Bell and Joyce Schoby (I know I missed someone – but we thank all those who helped).  Thank you to our photographers Elias Lucas and Ian Hill.  THANK YOU TO ONE AND  ALL WHO MADE THE DAY SO SPECIAL TO ME AND DIANA! 


RETIREMENT???? WHAT???  No no!  Just TRANSITIONING!  We are (hopefully) not dying just transitioning and moving to another chapter in our lives.  We want to travel a little more, fish, do more mission work, fish, do more church growth consulting, fish, help our family in Lubbock, fish, do podcasts for our web page (and FGGAM.ORG), fish, and more writing.  We covet your prayers as we move into this new chapter of our lives.

There will always be a bed for anyone who wants to drop by our home in Lubbock, Texas and of course, we’ll get the Keurig fired up first.  Soon as we have a permanent address (house in Lubbock doesn’t close until May 31st- so we’ll be around a while) we’ll let everyone know.

Here’s other ways we can stay in contact:

Email:  Leonard – or
Facebook – Leonard-Diana Navarre
Twitter – @lrnavarre
Web page –

I will also be writing and having podcasts at:

Diana –
Facebook – Leonard-Diana Navarre
Twitter – dinvrr84913
Web page – www.navarreministries

So let’s stay in contact and our home is always open to you.

Diana and my pray for each one of you:

“For what thanksgiving we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God, as we pray most earnestly night and day that we may see each other face to face and help supply what is lacking in each others faith.  Now may our God and Father, himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our ways back to each other and may the Lord make each of us increase and abound in love for one another and for all, AS WE DO FOR YOU” – (my paraphrase – I Thessalonians 3:9-12

We love each one of you and we are praying for you and your families, always
“don’t give in, don’t give up and NO Compromise,


Leonard Navarre

Licensed Church Consultant

Your Bible Boost
P.O. Box 990

Edgewood, NM 87015

love people, meet their needs and show them Jesus


Please listen to the above podcast!

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