State Dept IG Report shows Clinton willfully broke the law
The State Department’s Inspector General has issued a scathing 83-page report implicating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for repeatedly violating policy and laws prohibiting using her personal email for official business. The liberal Washington Post has written an editorial declaring that Hillary Clinton committed an “error in judgment” in willfully disregarding State Department policies, but stopped short of pronouncing her actions illegal, urging instead that the FBI finish its investigation promptly, “so that all information about this troubling episode will be before the voters.” This is more than a “troubling episode.” Clinton willfully exposed state secrets to America’s enemies.
Clinton was warned repeatedly of policy against using personal email servers for State Department business. She was warned directly that spies were targeting her email account. In 2011, her email was attacked twice in the same day. Despite these continuous warnings, and the development of a new State Department email system designed to protect her account, Clinton refused to comply with policy and opted to not use the new email system. The report stated that after a staff member “raised concerns” with a State Department official about Clinton’s use of a personal email server, the entire staff was instructed “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.”
Clinton sent a June 28, 2011 cable under her signature to all diplomatic and consular posts where she warned that all officials should “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.” Yet, she, herself, and her staff, continued to conduct official State business on personal email servers. The report also said that Clinton and her aides, including Huma Abedin, refused to cooperate with investigators, and even lied about the extensive use of their personal email accounts for State Department business, saying there was only occasional use despite evidence of tens of thousands of emails passing through personal accounts and mobile devices that did not meet security standards.
The report states, “Secretary Clinton never demonstrated to them [Federal Agencies] that her private server or mobile device met minimum information security requirements…” In addition, the report implies she broke the law because she “did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.” Clinton and her staff willfully exposed our nation’s secrets to our enemies and their spies, then refused to cooperate with and lied to investigators. She is unfit to hold any elected office based on this information. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” This is a clear example of intent to deceive.