Congressman Pearce’s Statement on Court Ruling Against ObamaCare


steve pearceFGGAM NEWS just received this news release from New Mexico Congressman Pearce:


Pearce’s Statement on Federal Court Ruling Against Administration in Obamacare Lawsuit


Washington, DC (May 12, 2016) Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement after a federal district judge ruled that the Administration improperly funded parts of Obamacare’s cost-sharing subsidies:


“The federal court ruling today reiterated what we have long known, the Obama Administration continues to overstep its bounds and ignore the separation of powers – the basic tenet of our government. This is not a question of politics, as the Administration claims, but one of Constitutionality.  Today, the Judicial branch once again reined in the Administration and struck down funding provisions within Obamacare because it did not go through the Constitutional process required to create law. The President reached far beyond his powers and today, the judge reminded him that creating law takes the House, the Senate, and THEN the President can sign it into law,” said Congressman Pearce.


The subsidies will remain in place pending an appeal from the Administration.

Judge rules for House GOP in ObamaCare suit
A federal judge on Thursday ruled for House Republicans in its lawsuit against the Obama administration over ObamaCare.
Read the full story here

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