Monsters Do Exist


Monsters Do Exist by Clay Schroff of Albuquerque, NM

We tell our children that there is no such thing as monsters, but the fact is we are surrounded by them! Men and woman willing and eager to do horrific and terrible thing to others. Among them are some so dark that they prey on the innocent, the helpless… our children!
As society we feed these creatures and fill their plate with porn fantasies of self fulfillment at the service of others as nothing more than objects. In schools they are taught that we are nothing more than evolved animals with survival of the fittest at our roots, where the strong take from the weak. What’s right for you, may not be right for me; on and on society feeds the mind of the masses! Then when one devours one of the innocent we act shocked, and ask why.
Why…. because we all live with a sin nature and when we are fed with fantasy and lies we will act as sinners in a bent and broken world!
When we try to take God out of the world we should not be surprised that people act like the Beast!!! Not only should we stand for truth but demand it! Protect our children, not only from the monsters out there but also what they hear and see. And pray for all who stand in the gap and the dark places that their reach goes far into the darkness to shine the light of Christ and Truth.

Thank you fort those words Clay, God Bless you and yours.

Sade Patterson posted this yesterday at FGGAM:

Amber Alert for FarmI know it’s hard to get bad news but I feel like we need to respond as a state and as a people when tragedies like these happen.
If you have not been updated, Ashlynne’s murderer was arrested yesterday. He is facing at least 20 years in prison for raping and murdering this 11 year-old girl. Hopefully that sentence will be longer, but for now I am so disappointed with that punishment, considering he is only 27 and could be released earlier.
My body aches with the news about her death. According to the Albuquerque Journal, Tom Begaye told authorities “was looking for a child to have sex with” when he saw Ashlynne and her 9 year-old brother playing in a ditch after they got off the bus. Ashlynne had hurt her foot and agreed to be given a ride home from Begaye. The article explains that Begaye drove her and her brother “to a desolate dirt road near the Ship Rock pinnacle, where authorities say he raped her and beat her with a tire iron.” He either let her brother go or he escaped and was picked up by a motorist and taken to the police station. Ashleynen’s body was found on the dirt road later that day.

Many of you know that I stand up for the unborn. I do this because I believe in the sanctity of all life. My passion and heart extends to Ashlynne. She was a young girl, vulnerable, innocent, and treated as though she was worthless. Her body was used as an object and was thrown out when it served its purpose for a sick and lost man. She was not protected, but violated and murdered. But this happens all of the time. Everyday children and women are taken from their homes and are used for sex and a lot of the time they are murdered. Everyday babies are murdered in our back yards all because of “reproductive choice.” I see how the we respond to the evil in Ashlynne’s murder and how we unite to find justice and healing. I hope we will one day unite in every murder and injustice, whether it involves the preborn, a child, teenager, adult, or the elderly. This awful treatment of human life will never end if we ourselves do not value life and treat all life with dignity.

‪#‎ForAshlynne‬ ‪#‎LoveOneAnother‬

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