Obama Socialism and America’s Shrinking Middle Class


America is losing its middle class, that defining economic feature that made this country so appealing to the world is being predictably destroyed by the socialist agenda of President Barack Hussein Obama or what I lovingly call Obamanomics.

It was easy to predict, so easy in fact that liberals laughed it off as right wing paranoia and greed, I am talking about the slow and steady implementation of socialist economic policies that were worked in by Democratic and Republican congresses and presidents over the years and then supercharged by President Obama using socialized medicine and anti-business regulations and the easy money of food stamps and welfare.

Many of our neighboring countries to the south have already found out how destructive socialism is to an economy and the enslavement that comes the lower class and the power and corruption not to mention great wealth that comes to the upper class. Unfortunately, they do not recognize its true source because of propaganda.

Brazil is finding this out the hard way as they had to suspend their president, Dilma Rousseff, for unconstitutionally spending much more than her government was allowed by congress in order to shore up a failing economy and keep the free stuff flowing.

Still many of the ignorant blame the wealthy for the problems of the poor and actually believe that more socialism, more regulation and more power to the government is the answer.

This is the same ideology that Bernie Sanders minions embrace, it is the same line that President Obama uses to convince drug addled government dependents that what godless progressives are doing will really work this time.

Blaming others for our problems is appealing to the sinful flesh, if we can convince ourselves that someone else is to blame and not me, then we don’t have to change, right. Of course right.

What is really funny were it not so sad and destructive is that socialism creates the very problem it claims to solve, namely the fabled income inequality gap. There will always naturally be inequality; it’s baked in to the system because variety is needed to make it work.

What the American system had baked in was recognition of true human nature. When you account for that you create a system that gives as equal opportunity as is possible and pain and discomfort for when you head in the wrong direction.

Now, I can’t break down the economics of human nature in four to five minuets on this update but I might give it a go on the weekend program, suffice to say we have real income inequality and a loss of the middle class because of the socialism of Obamanomics and the ignorance of biblical work and economic principles.

Whereas, the much maligned Reganomics brought about a vast increase of the middle class that allowed more people than ever to enjoy a measure of wealth never before seen in world history.

My point is that socialism is economically destructive because it ignores sin nature and the value of work and wealth creation. If we want our economy back it begins and ends as with all things with the Lord and His ways.

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