Trump Looks For Indiana Knockout and More News on Election Fraud

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Trump looks for Indiana knockout
By Niall Stanage
The battle for the Republican nomination could come down to Tuesday’s primary in Indiana, where Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is mounting a last ditch effort to stop Donald Trump.
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Election fraud feared as hackers target voter records
By Cory Bennett
A series of data breaches overseas is spurring concerns that hackers could manipulate elections in the United States.
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What Black Lives Matter gets wrong
By Juan Williams
OPINION | The biggest loser in American politics in the last month is the Black Lives Matter movement.
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The great disruption
By Judd Gregg
OPINION | We are in a time that could be called “the period of disruption.” Across all arenas we are seeing major — and, to a large degree, unpredictable — disruptions in what has been the norm.
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Sanders: ‘The convention will be a contested contest’
By Rebecca Savransky
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday said there will be a “contested contest.”
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Jane Sanders emerges as Bernie’s go-to messenger
By Ben Kamisar
Jane Sanders has emerged as her husband’s most prominent surrogate as the campaign fights against the momentum pushing Hillary Clinton toward the Democratic nomination.
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Sanders’s fundraising shrinks in April
By Jessie Hellmann
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders’s campaign raised nearly $26 million in April, a drop from the $46 million he raised in March and the $43 million he raised in February.
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Trump on Cruz: ‘He was born in Canada’
By Rebecca Savransky
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday reiterated his argument that rival Ted Cruz can’t be president because he wasn’t born in this country.
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Kasich helps girl secure prom date
By Jessie Hellmann
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich helped a high school student ask her crush to prom — but it still wasn’t enough for the Ohio governor to secure her vote.
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The Washington Post: Cruz makes desperate bid to wrestle Indiana from Trump
By Sean Sullivan
Ted Cruz hopes to use the state’s Tuesday primary to resuscitate his campaign, but it has been difficult for him to gain traction amid the relentless attacks and insults hurled at him by the GOP front-runner.
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The New York Times: Cruz’s pledged support fades as key vote in Indiana looms
By Jeremy W. Peters
The gravitational pull of Donald J. Trump’s recent primary landslides is drawing more Republicans toward him, threatening Senator Ted Cruz’s hopes of winning in a floor fight at the convention.
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The Associated Press: Fears of Trump drive immigrants to become citizens
By Sergio Bustos
On a recent Saturday morning in South Florida, 50-year-old Edgar Ospina stood in a long line of immigrants to take the first step to become an American.
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The Wall Street Journal: Clinton targets Appalachia votes
By Colleen McCain Nelson and Laura Meckler
Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton will embark on a two-day tour of Appalachia Monday, moving to strengthen what has been tepid support for the former secretary of state in coal country.
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USA Today: Sanders tries to sway Democratic superdelegates
By Heidi M. Przybyla
Bernie Sanders made a direct appeal to Democratic Party superdelegates to switch their support from Hillary Clinton, as he falls further behind in the pledged delegates needed to win the nomination and faces a self-described “uphill” fight.
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