Do not waste the crisis you face! Of course, share your needs and heart to the LORD, but, at some point in your journey, even though the rescue you are seeking has not yet arrived, seek the LORD, your Rescuer, simply for Himself. Take this time to get to know Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering. Use this time to sharpen your prayer life, to sharpen your praise of your Creator; become an intercessor. To praise God with intent and to pray for others will take your mind off your own problems for a while.
After Paul prayed that his difficulty be removed, you know, that “thorn in the flesh”, the LORD essentially said, “No, not now. You see, you are depending more upon my sufficiency right now and that’s what you need most; to be nearer to Me.”
John the Baptist said it well, “He must increase and I must decrease”. Oh beloved believers, the Spirit of the Living God lives in you . . . become a “house of prayer” within you! Before you know it, you will wonder, “When did things start to become better? Where have my worries gone?” Even if your circumstances have not changed, your heart of trust has grown.
Yes, by all means, pray! However, do not neglect the means of Praise and Intercession. Pray On!