Be Willing To Accept All Of God’s Promises


Welcome to another day on the classroom of God! God is always with us! Even when it seems He is not! As we consider God’s Promises, it is important that we remember to: Be Willing to accept all of them! Why wouldn’t we? Because there are some of them that will make you uncomfortable. For example in Proverbs 21:13….If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. Proverbs 29:1….If a man remains stiff-necked after many rebukes, he will be destroyed without remedy. Heads up everybody! Are any of you feeling a bit uncomfortable? Now, would you like some good news????? Listen in……….to the classroom of God!

Thank you for stopping by here at the classroom of God! Amen!

Remember: God is not a Spiritual Santa Claus thDewey HUBad 970X90at we can call on whenever and however we want—-expecting Him to deliver the goods….but many people look at Him, just that way!

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