Family Church Untouched By Dog Head Fire


This morning as the birds sing and I seek the good news in the world, I turn to Jesus Christ and His Words and Ways! The only true good news and ways in the world! Amen! I am getting ready to travel to the First Baprist Church of Reserve, NM this morning! I will be preaching at 11am! If you do not have a home Church, we would love to see you! Amen! Come as you are! This morning I am going to share on…… How God wants us to mature as Christians…….continually becoming more like Jesus! Pastor Ricky Gordon, who has joined FGGAM, will be with me at First Baptist Church of Reserve this morning!  I read this story at KOBTV.COM and wanted to share it with you..  KOB TV STORY

God has created in me a desire to participate in His mission to reconcile a lost world to Himself.

I respond, seeking to know God’s Will.

When God reveals a truth to me, I know He is alerting me to what He is doing around me.

I know that the revelation is His invitation for me to adjust my life and to respond in obedience to what He has shown me.

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