Let Go and Let God




Today is more of a sermon than a newscast! LOL! But that really is what God has intended for FGGAM and The HUB of New Mexico! Amen! God is teaching us much about letting go……giving all control to God. Yes I know it is hard. I have been taught much by Bo Ellis and Jonathan Savage and their families. It is one thing to say you have given your life and all control to God….but when you step out of the cyclone of life, the world spinning out of control and take inventory of yourself….. you find out that you still want control.

Dear FGGAM Family,

It is a blessing to be with you this day! Amen!

Remember Jonathan Savage? Oh my friends we prayed for him…..he was severely injured in a motorcycle wreck in Laredo Texas, he almost died. God raised him up and he is graduating from High School! PTL!!!!

His Aunt, Shonda Savage let me know yesterday, that she and her husband Eldon are going to the graduation in Laredo, Texas!

God is still in the miracle making business! Amen!

Here is my post from October 5th of 2015…………


Yesterday I got a text from Jonathan Savage’s Dad, Jimmy, to give me an update on Jonathan’s condition. I cried!  We are seeing a miracle right before our eyes! Jimmy said that Jonathan wanted to release these photos so you can see the miracle taking place, from the start, to where he is at today!   For those of you who may not know Jonathan’s story, he is from Laredo, Texas and just over a month ago was in a severe motorcycle accident, crashing through a brick wall. He was airlifted to a San Antonio, Texas hospital in critical condition, it was touch and go for awhile. Jonathan suffered many injuries, LISTEN TO MY PODCAST HERE , including to his head and spine. We now pray for Jonathan’s legs…for full usage, for complete healing of the legs, in Jesus name Amen! So many people have responded to the prayer needs of Jonathan and the family! PTL! PTL! People are still storming heaven with prayers for Jonathan. Jonathan’s story is one of the most followed stories ever in the history of FGGAM!

I am still in awe of God……..I am in awe as I look at these pictures and recall the many conversations I have had with Jimmy and his sister Shonda Savage, who writes for us here at FGGAM, during this season. The love that Jimmy has for his son, WOW! I am in awe! Jimmy called me one day and asked me to pray over the phone with him and Jonathan, as it was quiet, no one in the room……so we did and have done it now more than once. I am a better man of God for knowing the Savage family, what faith, what love, what courage! Awe of God!

As I write this post I am barely able to hold my composure……….as I continue my prayers for Jonathan and family…….and being in the awe of God. Please do not rush from this post……….stay here awhile……. and look at Jonathan………. and pray.

Also…. take a look at your life and where you are at with God.

Do not turn to the left or right, do not listen to the “nothing noise of the world”, stay focused on our Lord Jesus Christ!


Back to June 2nd, 2016……we continue to be in AWE of GOD!

Psalm 33:7-9…..Praise is Fitting for the Upright
7He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses. 8Let allthe earth fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 9For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.…


As I have said before, Jonathan’s story is one of, if not the most followed story ever here at FGGAM! Thank you for all your love and prayers to Jonathan and his family!

Love to all!

PS: If you are not in AWE of GOD, go right away to the Doctor and have your pulse checked!

Thank YOU LORD, for what you have done for Jonathan and his family! Thank YOU LORD for what you have taught us all through watching this miracle transpire, may we never forget YOUR MIRACLE for Jonathan! In JESUS name, AMEN!

PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193

Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede:
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 


To Dewey’s Daily Cup

 UPDATE 3:37pm 6/1/16: Robin just texted me that Bo came through the medical procedure to get fluid out of his lungs!!! PTL!!!


Hello Dear Friends,

Times are so very busy for us all, as the world spins and spins out of control! BUT! We have JESUS! Amen!

I want to share with you that I just got off the phone with Bo’s Mom, Robin Ellis. I have not given you an update on Bo (Jared Ellis) of Grants, NM in a long time, the last time I shared with you is when the family was gathering at his bedside to say goodbye.

Bo is doing better! He is now responsive and his toxic levels are going down.

Bo is pictured above with his nephew Evian. Bo got Evian a Red Rider BB gun for his birthday.

Robin wants to thank you all for your prayers! I asked her how she is staying so strong, as Bo has crashed 7 times! Robin says the day she handed Bo over to God that was a huge move for her when she knew the only thing to do was hand the life of her son over to God.

Bo is 25 years young.

As you go about you day, think and pray for Bo and Robin and the family, she is so very thankful.

They now think the truck that Bo was driving landed on him, causing his chest to be crushed.

When Sharon and I were in Denver this past Memorial Day weekend, I looked at our granddaughter and children differently, I looked at them through the eyes of Robin.

Robin is teaching me much. Hand over everything, I mean everything to God.


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