Pastor Steve Stucker: “I JUST WANT TO SCREAM!”


Picture is from a past drunk driving wreck in Albuquerque

I asked Pastor Steve Stucker of New Covenant Church in Albuquerque if I could post his lasted Facebook post. For years we have spoken out on the abuse of alcohol. I HAVE WANTED TO SCREAM LIKE STEVE FOR YEARS ON THIS PROBLEM IN NEW MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Pastor Steve’s post:

I just want to scream! Tonight I got a call from a very dear friend, a grief stricken mother, whose son was killed in an accident today. We met over the months she lost her oldest son, a few years ago. Both deaths were indirectly, but definitely tied to the use & abuse of alcohol. My heart for her aches, as hers and the family’s breaks. I spoke with her husband & her only remaining son too, trying to convey our love & support, & encouraging them to not give up, to be strong for the grandkids.

I’m praying for the madness to end! When will we wake up to the truth of the way that alcohol is destroying generations of our families? He was planning to go to rehab next week. He had talked with me about it several times when his brother died, but kept putting it off. Ready to quit? Please don’t wait. Tomorrow may be too late.

Prayers for my friends please, as well as the thousands of others who are drowning in a dangerous sea that we jump into of our own free will, never dreaming it will swallow us up & never let go, if we don’t learn how to say No!


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