Prophetic Reality: The Upcoming Election is More About Destiny

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot By Bill Wilson
Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective.


NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them. 
Friday, June 3, 2016
The prophetic reality
Some Daily Jot readers and others who have read Daily Jots that have been forwarded are taking me to task over reporting what Republican Donald Trump is saying about the media. In fact, every time something is written about Trump, doesn’t matter what it is, Christians are appalled that he is even mentioned in a Daily Jot. One accused me of Trump being my Messiah. Another wrote an email repeatedly calling Trump a liar. Another saying Trump is not a Christian. Others say that Trump is part of the global one world order conspiracy. To be fair, many more Christians are saying they support Donald Trump. The prophetic reality is that the upcoming election is more about destiny than candidates.
I say prophetic because this nation-whether people want to believe it or not-was not only founded, but built, on godly principles. I’m not saying that every person was a Christian. Neither am I saying that there were not wrongs and injustices heaped upon some. But I am saying that for the most part Americans followed God’s principles in establishing this country. Our laws, our way of life, our general treatment of others were conducted in a manner that tried to abide in God’s word. We have been a nation that supports godly principles worldwide-spreading of the gospel, support of human rights and freedom, support for Israel, and until recently, an adherence to the moral code of scriptures. We have been blessed.
No, Trump is not my messiah. I do not know what kind of president he will make. But I do know what the alternative is, and what hangs in the balance for a nation that turns away from God. In California, Brietbart reports on a Trump rally where “demonstrators” were aggressively pushing Trump supporters around and chanting and holding signs that read “America was never great,” “F-k Donald Trump and his hate,” “This is Mexico and you’re not welcome,” and more. Trump supporters were beaten and bloodied. We have reported before that George Soros, a true one world order guy, is paying for these thugs, and they are part of La Raza-a radical Hispanic group–and the Communist Party.
These are the same people that support the current “president” and the current presidential candidates-socialists Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. They are also those who are supported by the current “president” and the Democratic Party’s socialist candidates. Herein is the clash in ideals between Trump and Clinton/Sanders. A socialist America, a godless America, is what Clinton/Sanders are aiming to foment. This shapes America’s prophetic destiny. Your actions in the upcoming months in who you support, criticize, speak against, will also shape our prophetic destiny. Jesus says in Matthew 25 that nations will be judged as well as individuals, “he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.” That’s prophetic reality. And your actions regarding our country help determine it.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!  – Bill Wilson,  The Daily Jot

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Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
– Bill Wilson, Daily Jot

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