The Greatest Generation Still Speaks Today!


Today is Flag Day in the United States of America! I pray you are fling the flag today, and all days! More than a few of you listeners out there have grown up saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school, with your hand over your heart and Old Glory in your sight the whole time. A lot of you have sung the Star Spangled Banner at ball games and other big events. These are among the many ways we respect the flag, every day and every week.

Windom Revival The following column is from the Cottonwood County Citizen in Windom, Minnesota! Thanks to Rahn and Dave for allowing us to post Babe Crowell’s Flag Day column. I have to add that, Babe is my old boss from the Windom Schools! I used to work as a custodian for Babe, he taught me much! Don’t forget about the Windom Revival August 26th and 27th at the Barc! I used to clean that sectionAmerican Flag Memorial Day 2015 of the school, which is now the Barc! I look forward to seeing Babe and all my friends from Windom! PTL! PTL!

Flag Day brings a time to respect and celebrate our nation’s flag
More than a few readers out there have grown up saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school, with their hand over their heart and Old Glory in our sight the entire time.
A lot of you have sung the Star Spangled Banner at ball games and other big events. These are among the many ways we respect the flag, every day and every week.
As we look ahead to Flag Day on June 14, I want to remind folks around the area that when we salute or pledge allegiance to the flag, we are honoring and celebrating our country.
If you look around the United States, you will see flags flown proudly on every flag pole. But what a lot of people don’t know is that it commemorates an event that occurred 239 years ago, when the Second Continental Congress adopted the flag by resolution.
On this same date, the U.S. Army celebrates another important birthday, that of the U.S. Army, which actually dates back to June 14, 1775.
Here is what John Adams said during the meeting of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia on June 14, 1777:
“Resolved that the flag of the 13 United States shall be 13 stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be 13 stars, white on a blue field representing a new constellation.”
Since then, there have been 27 versions of the flag. As each state entered the union, stars were added. The last time the U.S. Flag was changed was on July 4, 1960 with the addition of Hawaii as America’s 50th state.
Here is an excerpt from some material provided by the American Legion, it seems fitting here:
“The United States Flag is the embodiment of our Constitution that proclaims absolute commitment to defending the freedoms given to us by our Creator.
“George Washington once said of the original flag: “We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes thus showing that we have separated from her and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.
“The American flag is a visible reminder of the liberty for which the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives and fortunes in order to guarantee freedom for each and every American.”
It is important that our nation never forget the service and sacrifices of military veterans and, really everyone who has defended our flag. Let’s not forget that when a stadium full of fans stands at attention with thousands of people pledging to the flag, it is
respect that comes freely.
All my life has involved service. There was service to the Windom School District, 35 years as a custodian; service to the Minnesota National Guard, as a recruiter and career counselor; 34 years of service to the Windom American Legion Post 206, 12 years as commander. The most fulfilling part was in the American Legion Post 206, working for the Veterans Program and Memorial Day Program and also working with the Boys and Girls Staters.
This year, we had a wonderful Memorial Day program. We had the Boys Stater and Girls Staters plan the whole music program. They selected the singers, the songs and the music.
We wanted them to use their own ideas and we knew they could do a better job than if the Legion had put it together. Our youth have so many great talents today, they put on a tremendous tribute for our program. Everyone just loved them!
I am very proud to be an American and to serve the military which protects our freedom that we enjoy in the United States of America.
Babe Crowell of Windom is a past commander of American Legion Post 206. He serves as master of ceremonies for the Windom Memorial Day and Veterans Day programs.

World War 2 VeteranAndy WilsonToday is Flag Day! Please fly the Flag of the United States of America everyday! Amen! My emotions run high on this day for what our flag represents. We have had several posts yesterday and today on Flag Day and the true meaning.

I met World War II veteran Andy Wilson (pictured above) of Albuquerque Saturday at Smiths Supermarket. He had me in tears for many reasons. First, he is 88 years of age, My Dad, Wally Moede would be 89 today! Dad was a Sgt. in the Mariners and served most of the war in China. He was on a ship full of Marines ready to invade Japan, until President Truman did the right thing and dropped the bombs and save thousands and thousands of lives.

My Dad died suddenly on Easter morning in 1992 of a heart attack, the week he retired.

Andy told me that in World War II the country came together, men and women to defeat the darkness of the Nazi’s and Japan. Young and old went to work and created a war machine. I told Andy that the World War II generation was the greatest ever! He said, “Yes, but we had all we needed to win the war, when we needed ammunition, bombs, air support we got it, but today our military is depleted and not supported.”

Yes, it is a shame, that we Americans have allowed our military to be stripped. I told Andy with our country divided and the current administration stripping down our military, to danger levels,  that I do not think we could win a World War at this time. He agreed. He said, The country came together and worked to together and sacrificed much to win the war.”

I look at America today and it is divided more than ever in it’s history since the Civil War.

Andy held my hand as he told me many stories of the war and he also paid tribute to my Daddy and all men and women who fought the darkness.

I am sad today that our local paper, the Albuquerque Journal, did not mention at all it is Flag Day……time is moving fast and the United States is forgetting its history and traditions. I must say it is losing its Christian values.

I have to share this story with you…..I had never had a new bike, we were a family that always had food and clothing a great home to live in, new clothes for school. the love of God, but we were not in that income level where you could live high on the hog, as we said back home!

When I was 12 Dad took me downtown on Flag Day, I remember this like it was yesterday, Dad bought me a new bike at the Coast to Coast store, it was red, my favorite color, because Dad was on the Fire Dept. and I loved fire trucks and wanted to be a fireman like him! You see Flag Day is my Daddy’s birthday…but he bought me a gift on his birthday….that was my dad, always thinking of others first, just like that World War II generation did. They gave, without expecting anything in return, they fought for future generations. A great message for us this day.

Pictures of are of my Dad in World War II and Dad with Mom, Ruth and their grave site  Wally Moede WW II 2Wally Moede WWIIWally Moede Ruth Moede grave siteWally and Ruth Moede


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