There is Hope in WV … Would you join in faith as a friend to help those in need?


There is Hope in WV … Would you join in faith as a friend to help those in need?  By Karen Rowe w/ Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.  501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Tax Deductible Organization

West Virginia needs us!  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE

There is Hope in WV ... Would you join in faith as a friend to those in need We can make a difference together.  I have so much on my heart to say, that “speechless” is the only expression I can use to convey the heartbreak, devastation and still strength remains in the hearts of those in West Virginia who have lost so much; and for some everything; and for others family members, neighbors and friends that cannot be replaced.

Let’s light up WV with our love and show them we care by our giving and help the people and communities rebuild their homes and churches!


One rain drop joined together did all this, yet there is hope; and God is offering each of us an opportunity to rise up and join together to make a power difference in the lives of those in WV !!!   You can make a difference in someone’s life!!!

In Jesus Name!  And,  in the power of God’s love that He has for us, we can make a difference joined together!

You may think that the needs are covered; or that you have nothing to offer?  Yet, there is no little thing that God won’t magnify!  Do you remember what God did with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish?  Jesus told his disciples to so and see; to search for what the people had and then to bring it to Him.  Jesus blessed the offering and fed 5000 men that day; and there was overflow!!!

Can you imagine the difference you could make in someone’s life right now?  Do you think it is too small?  Think by faith and see it this way:  If you have a light in your room, then a candle doesn’t seem like much, but in a dark room without light, a candle becomes a big thing and lights up the room! What has God put on your heart to give?

God has not left; nor forsaken anyone.  God is giving the world a wake up call and it is happening all over the world.  God is giving us an opportunity to trust Him and move in the power of His love to help our fellow neighbors!

In Jesus Name

Please join in with us; and in our love and prayers in Christ for all those who are going through this difficult time of terrible and great loss.  It is heartbreaking beyond words that I can write or speak … There are no words to express what people, our family, friends and neighbors in West Virginia, are going through; or the sacrifices they are making hour by hour to help each other clean up and survive the effects from this flood.

May the God of all mercies and the Father of all Comfort, even the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, comfort those in West Virginia.

Sadness wales in my heart for each person living through these devastating effects from this tremendous flood … And, yet, as sad as all this is …, there is purpose to comfort others by the same comfort we ourselves have received from God.  God loves the people in WV; and God loves you and me too.  Lets join together and demonstrate the love of God living in our hearts, and show WV that we care enough to show up.  Let’s be a light of strength in the midst of this tragedy to demonstrate God’s love to them; that WV can know that people care about them.

In the arms of JESUS … HE WAS THERE to catch those children of God who couldn’t be caught by human hands.  My heart aches for each loss that words touch or fix or heal; only Jesus.

My heartfelt prayers are with all during this time.

Please consider doing all you can to help so many, MANY, many people who need our help at this time.

There is more than one family; imagine how real this is … if you were just one of the many. Please don’t let one person go untouched by the love of Jesus.  We can take a portion of that burden for them who are bearing so much …

We are sent by God to make a difference; and there is no little thing. God will bless and multiply what we give.

Please join us in prayer for those in West Virginia.

Our love and prayers are with you WV …

May God multiply all your blessings, and bring comfort, strength and all provisions, even courage, peace and freeing joy from Heaven to you during this difficult time in healing and rebuilding. Grace and Peace be with you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Name, our eternal Savior.

Love and prayers in Christ,

Robert, Karen Rowe w/ Hope in Today Ministries, Inc

Pay Pal “Rebuild WV Fund” is now available for Tax Deductible Donations that go directly to those most affected by the flood; and with a message of God’s love through Hope in Today!

OR, you may send a tax deductible check to :
C/O Rebuild WV Fund
PO Box 441, Efland, NC 27243
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Church Organization will 
graciously provide you with a Tax Deductible letter of recognition to help you too!
Let's light up WV with our love and show them we care by our giving, and help 
the people and the communities of West Virginia rebuild their homes and churches!



God will multiply, what we give!  
Thank you in advance, because of the faith I know God gives us to give. |  |
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Karen Rowe
Meet Karen: Hi, I am blessed, by God's good grace and because I know Jesus, I am blessed. I choose to be blessed, because I have a choice set before me and I refuse to look down. I trust God and I know and believe in the love God has for us. I have overcome difficulties; and I am blessed by the grace of God alone. If I have written about it, then I have felt the pain of it in some way, and to some degree. Did you know that Jesus has felt your pain? This is why I write. By God's grace I can identify; and tell you honestly, yes there is hope in anything and everything that you are facing today! Jesus is our Hope! He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. I am married a wonderful man, Robert Rowe; I love my husband and he loves me; and we have been married for 28 years. Together, we have been blessed with a wonderful daughter, named Amanda who is college now; and a wonderful son, named Daniel who is growing up well and soon to graduate elementary school. We work together and by God's grace we run our own business called PSI. We have a pastor over our ministry and over our business and also we depend on him for advise in our family. We have 2 dogs, 4 horses, 2 cats and love to spend time outdoors by the water and by campfires ... that is it seems when we can find time away from life's busy schedule. I love to write because it helps me learn more about God. And, I am driven by a passion from a love that God has put in my heart to share from my experiences and struggles, as I gain understanding in God’s Word to know how effective and powerful God is over our every situation! I share with you so you can know that you are not alone in your struggles. The same God who helps me and my family, is your help and shield as well! Life is not always easy, but it is possible –I like to share the difference that following Jesus makes in my life. And, I love to share God's patience and mercy and love that is with me! I am not perfect, but am experiencing God sanctify me through and through with every mistake I make; and yes, overcome in Christ! Life is not just about the successes; life on this earth is also about the troubles we overcome to discover what God has hidden in our faith to find! Troubles are more a challenge to grow in our faith ... It is not easy, but in the end the grace of God we discover is worth experiencing God in the midst. By Grace, I have discovered Jesus is Peace and He is my Joy and Wisdom from Heaven. God is our Provider and Healer and Creator, who is our help and shield over all things. By grace, I have experienced a nearness to God through my faith in His Son! We are well forgiven by God; and well blessed when we know and believe the love that God has for us. To say, "all is well with my soul" is a powerful knowledge to understand and experience. I sense God's desire for you to know His love for you and how deep His love for you is that He has SO loved you; God gave you His Son. God loves you right now just as you are! There is so much to learn! I believe that as we learn from God, we are God’s gift to each other. It is all God’s story –and for His glory; and God has SO loved us. I love to paint the vision that God has given me about a Father’s love –that God wants you to dream again and visualize His love for you! In God’s eyes, there’s more to life than we see; and in a world that sometimes misrepresents and misunderstands God and love; God wants you to have the courage to dream His dream and see His vision of a Father’s love for you! Many years ago, I prayed to God, “How can I tell a million people what I know about Your Son?” God showed me I had a gift of a ministry about God's Love; and He called it Hope in Today! I write to please God and I write to encourage you; and I write to spend quiet time with God. All because of this love that God has first shown me! I need Jesus –and my life is about my relationship with God. And, every blessing begins with Him! Love in Christ, Karen Rowe, Director Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. The Train Whistle, Sounding the Call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe For more information: Contact me by email: or to request your gift today.

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