You Can Still See Heaven in West Virginia


West Virginia. Known well for being “Almost Heaven;” and in my own opinion it’s a tad true. For certain we know that Heaven is unimaginable bliss compared to anything on earth, but West Virginia has some characteristics of God that make me proud to live in this State. First and foremost is the fact it is filled with many, many good Samaritans. Some who know Jesus, and some who don’t. But they’re good people with a desire to help others.

This past weeks flooding devastated people all around where I live, but not in my neck of the woods, for which I’m thankful. One such family directly related to our church was our interim Pastor, Dennis Legg, who filled in for us while we waited for God to send our current Pastor Steven Carter. Brother Dennis and his wife Suzie are wonderful missionaries of God who have given much of their life to serving in the mission field of Haiti, ironically in a drought region, which is the exact opposite of what they experienced last week with the seven feet of water in their basement. Clay county and further south was ravaged by the flood waters. The death toll is at 25 I believe, which is obviously the hardest to hear. “Things” can be replaced, but people are forever somewhere… for those lost I pray Heaven.

The above pictures are from an evangelist friend, Sebby Volpe, who is currently interim Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in  Meadow Bridge, West Virginia, but has been helping with flood relief in Rainelle, West Virginia one of the harder hit areas. Sebby was 4 days into a revival when the flooding began last Thursday. Sebby said of their efforts, “They see Jesus when they see the church showing up to lend a hand,” and that’s just what he’s doing. FEMA is on location but the devastation is wide spread and many are in a quandary of where to begin. Sebby is giving tutorials on how to deal with mold when restoring homes and giving vital information to the residents that are unaware about FEMA’s regulations that require visible flood lines be marked and photographed for evidence or assistance will not be offered. Sebby’s not only helping with information and training he’s always knee deep and sleeves rolled to help folks in need. You can check out his mission work and offer support on his Facebook Page for “Mountain Mission.”

In the midst of this tragedy Sebby’s revival has seen 30 souls saved and 17 baptized for the Glory of God! And Jesus is what folks need most of all.

Even though things are just inanimate objects the lives reflected by them are not. Memories lost, lives disrupted and the economic loss is not something West Virginia needs on top of the fact that our unemployment rate is terrible. The washed out culvert in Elkview, West Virginia that stranded 500 people for 3 days, including a couple of my family members, will leave numerous people out of a job until the mess is cleared, the road restored and the businesses reopened. My heart breaks for them. I’ve been in those uncertain times and praise God I was saved and had the Spirit of God within me, guiding my decisions and providing peace; but I fear there are many who are struggling without Jesus and my concern is deep for them.

Statistics in West Virginia that are also high are drug and alcohol abuse statistics. With the poverty conditions you wouldn’t think they could afford it, but believe me, they do. And many times at the expense of the family’s nutrition and medical needs. It’s a sad reality. Throw an incident like last week onto an already struggling family and they’re in trouble.

If you’d like to contribute to helping victims in the area you can send it to Victory Baptist Church, PO Box 807, Grantsville, West Virginia and note that it’s for flood assistance. We’ll make sure it gets into areas that need the help.

Prayers for WV was written and sung by Jason O’Brien of Cabin Creek, West Virginia.

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