Good Morning Beautiful People…Healing Waters Women’s Conference, He Calls Me Beautiful


Good Morning Beautiful People…Healing Waters Women’s Conference, He Calls Me Beautiful

Nestled in the town of Bridgewater, Maine is a lovely campground fit for the Master’s use. On Labor Day weekend September 2- September 4, 2016 we are calling women together from around this globe that needs to touch the hem of His garment.

A three day residential Christian faith based conference for women directed towards the healing of deep emotional wounds caused by a variety of circumstances. These may include past physical, emotional and sexual abuse/trauma as well as hurt from past abortions.

He Calls Me Beautiful has a line up like no other. This conference is unique in its calling as we bring women from across this globe to the Healing Waters of Jesus Christ.

Keynote speaker: Teia Martinez is an ordained minister who serves as the Director of Righteous Acts Ministries, (RAM) counseling facility in Colorado Springs, Co. In addition to counseling, Teia has been privileged to travel and speak nationally and is passionate about seeing individuals and families set free.

Worship Leader: Kim McKay-White is a graduate of Faith School of Theology in 1984 and received her Bachelor of Theological Studies in 2015 and a minor in Music & Worship. Kim is currently a radio host for the Joy Network and an ordained minister. When not ministering elsewhere, she attends Abundant Life Christian Life Center in Meductic, New Brunswick, Canada.

Seminar Speaker Inner Healing: Karen Bode is a mother, grandmother, international bestselling author and teacher. Karen lives in Maine and spends much of her time teaching classes to women seeking freedom and healing through God’s Love and Word using her life’s testimony and book Clean Heart as text.

Seminar Speaker Post Abortion Healing: Angel Murchison is founder of Healing Waters Women’s Ministry. Angel Knows firsthand the aftermath of an abortion and shares her journey to freedom from the shame and guilt from her past abortion. Angel lives in Maine and is a speaker, writer and talk show host of Destiny Moments, her weekly radio broadcast.

Seminar Speaker Sexual Trauma Healing: Teia Martinez

The conference fee of $25.00 and includes accommodations and all meals. The cost has been kept low to enable any woman that desires to attend to do so. Scholarships are available for financial hardship.

Do you hearing Him calling? Make plans to attend. Register on line at The water is stirring and we are preparing to bring you to the Healing Waters.

Email any questions and visit our f/b page Healing Waters Women’s Conference@ healingwaters 2016. We are looking forward to meeting you in Bridgewater, Maine on Labor Day Weekend.



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