A Tragic Weekend in America


Monday, August 15, 2016

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

A Tragic Weekend

Sadly, there were many deaths over the weekend, but five really stand out.

Sylville K. Smith, a 23 year-old black man, was shot and killed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Saturday afternoon. His death set off riots in which half a dozen businesses were burned, several police cars were destroyed, officers were attacked and innocent bystanders were assaulted.

Here’s what we know as of now.

  • The shooting, by all accounts, appears justified. According to body camera video, Smith had a gun and refused to drop it. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who has seen a still photo taken from the video, said, “That still photo demonstrates without question that [Smith] had a gun in his hand, and I want our community to know that.”
  • Smith had a criminal history and reports indicate that the gun he had was stolen in a March burglary.
  • The officer involved in the shooting is also black. So this is not an issue of alleged police bigotry or racism.
  • The police were aggressively patrolling parts of Milwaukee when Smith was shot because hours prior five people had been killed. The situation in the city was already extremely tense and police were stepping up patrols to prevent more citizens from being killed.Like so many of America’s major cities, Milwaukee has been governed by the left for decades. From the breakdown of the family and the purging of right and wrong in the schools to policies that have demonstrably failed our poor communities, Milwaukee, Baltimore and Chicago are the product of liberal policies when the left has total control. The problems confronting these cities have nothing to do with conservatives.

    There was plenty of racism on display in Milwaukee over the weekend. When the rioting started, white people were targeted for attacks simply because of the color of their skin.

    This should be a major issue in our national debate, but the same leftists who run the schools, the unions and the culture refuse to have any discussion beyond accusing conservatives of racism and demanding more of the same failed liberal policies.

    When conservatives suggest that the most important thing people in minority communities need is law and order, they are accused of racism. But the law and order they are calling for will protect the minority citizens who live in these crime-infested neighborhoods. The Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t appear to care what happens to the victims of black on black crime.

    Officers Killed

    Meanwhile, as the media obsessed over Milwaukee, few noticed the deaths of Officers Jose Chavez(Pictured)and Tim Smith.

    Chavez, of Hatch Police Department in New Mexico, was shot and killed Friday when he pulled over Jesse Hanes, who was wanted for last month’s murder of a 62 year-old man in Chillicothe, Ohio.

    Officer Tim Smith, of the Eastman Police Department in Georgia, was shot and killed Saturday evening responding to a call about a suspicious person. CNN reports that Officer Smith would have celebrated his 31st birthday today. Instead, he became the 36th police officer shot and killed in the line of duty this year.


    Pastor Dewey Moede:

    Matthew 5:4

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

    We are so heartbroken at the murder of Hatch, NM Police Officer Jose Chavez, just 33 years of age. He leaves behind his wife and two children, whose lives will never be the same. We am sickened by the continuation of madness in America.
    Jesus is our only answer.

    Hatch, NM is small town America, population of about 1,700.

    Murder has no zip code

        ABQ Journal Story Here 

    New York Imam Killed

    In addition to these deaths, a New York imam, Maulama Akonjee, and an associate, Thara Uddin, were gunned down in broad daylight Saturday afternoon as they left afternoon prayers. The breathless media immediately began pushing a narrative that their deaths were evidence of a tidal wave of violence against Muslims (which there is not) and immediately elevated this local story to a national event.

    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “While we do not yet know the motivation for the murders, we do know that our Muslim communities are in the perpetual crosshairs of bigotry.” Many in the Bangladeshi neighborhood where the mosque is located not only immediately declared the killings to be hate crimes and blamed the Republican presidential nominee for creating “Islamophobia.”

    I guess it didn’t cross their minds that the knifings, shooting and bombings of infidels all over the world might cause anti-Muslim sentiment. Muslims on Arab social media were quick to label the attack“Christian terrorism,” as if the shooter yelled, “John 3:16!” as he pulled the trigger.

    The New York Daily News reports that “witnesses described the shooter as tall and Hispanic.” News broke this morning that an individual has been taken into custody and is being questioned about the shootings. Police sources told the Daily News, that the shooter “may have been settling a score in a feud between Muslims and Hispanics.”

    And regardless of the truth, I fully expect the left will continue to blame Christians, conservatives, America, etc., etc.

    Meanwhile In California. . .

    Parishioners at St. Andrews Orthodox Church in Riverside, California, recently called police after men in a Honda Civic reportedly took pictures of the church and yelled, “Allahu Akbar!” as they drove by.

    Father Josiah Trenham said his church now has security guards at all regular services, adding, “It is a deep sorrow to live this way in the new America.”

    * * * * *

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