Are You Hurt From The Choice Of An Abortion?
I want to personally invite you to the Healing Waters. Don’t suffer in silence another day. Yesterday’s post was all about stepping out. It takes great courage to step out and ask to be made whole again. You can do it. You were created in His image, yes you were. He will bind up your wounds and make you whole again, as only your creator can.
Whether you need to come by plane, train, automobile, scooter, bus, walk or hitch a ride with a friend-be there. Ask God to set it up, He will. He knows you better than you know yourself, and His love for you wants you to be whole again. He calls you beautiful.
I personally will be doing three break out seminar tracks on Healing After An Abortion. If you are hurting and need a safe place to come and be made whole again, step out and be there.
Healing Waters Women’s Conference, He Calls Me Beautiful
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Nestled in the town of Bridgewater, Maine is a lovely campground fit for the Master’s use. On Labor Day weekend September 2- September 4, 2016 we are calling women together from around this globe that needs to touch the hem of His garment. Maybe some of you are still struggling with a chain or two. This conference is for you.
A three day residential Christian faith based conference for women directed towards the healing of deep emotional wounds caused by a variety of circumstances.
If you have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse/trauma in your childhood or as an adult this conference is for you.
If you were raped as a child or as an adult or have been a victim of incest or ritual sexual abuse this conference is for you.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by or experience guilt from past abortion(s) then this conference is for you.
He Calls Me Beautiful has been uniquely designed to bring inner healing to God’s women. Yes, that is you! This conference is unique in its calling as we bring women from across this globe to the Healing Waters of Jesus Christ.
Jesus loves you and He wants to make you whole again. Can you Believe?
The conference fee of $25.00 and includes accommodations and all meals. The cost has been kept low to enable any woman that desires to attend to do so. Scholarships are available for financial hardship.
Do you hearing Him calling? God Himself has made a way just for you. Register online at The water is stirring and we are preparing to bring you to the Healing Waters of Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can make you whole again.
Email any questions and visit our f/b page Healing Waters Women’s Conference@ healingwaters 2016. We are looking forward to meeting you in Bridgewater, Maine on Labor Day Weekend.