Marco Rubio Double-minded on Christian Values and LGBT Lifestyles


Florida Senator Marco Rubio is up for re-election and is hoping to have it both ways on Christian values and the LGBT lifestyle when he spoke to conservative Christian leaders Friday at the Rediscovering God in America Renewal Project event in Orlando.

Sen. Rubio called out pastors and other leaders to show love to the LGBT community instead of condemning behavior they find objectionable. He believes that Christians should not judge gays, lesbians and transgender people but accept them instead of engaging in “heated rhetoric”.

Rubio stated, “They have heard some say that the reason God will bring condemnation on America is because of them. As if somehow, God was willing to put up with adultery, and gluttony, and greed and pride, but now, this is the last straw.

To love our neighbors, we must abandon a spirit of judgment. Do not judge or you will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged. And with a measure you use it will be used to measure you. And we should remember not to ignore the plank in our own eye.

“I want to be clear with you: Abandoning judgment and loving our LGBT neighbors is not a betrayal of what the Bible teaches, it is a fulfillment of it,”

Senator Marco Rubio is double minded in his views of biblical Christianity and that leads to being unstable in all his ways. A biblical worldview absolutely shows love to all people regardless of their sin and that includes the LGBT community.

Rubio added that “Jesus showed us that we do not have to endorse what people do in order to accept them for who they are — children of a loving and a merciful God,” citing the biblical example of Jesus pardoning a woman accused of adultery.

This example is often used to excuse a whole host of sins but Jesus did not just tell the woman caught in adultery to not worry about her sin because He was here now and adultery is now acceptable, remember that He told her to go and sin no more.

Loving others and not judging others is not about being permissive to sin, on the contrary, Jesus taught us to show kindness to people by telling them that they aren’t enslaved to their sins, they can be free from the death and destruction that comes from a sin filled life.

Marco Rubio and others who claim faith without repentance desire a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. Jesus comes to set the captive free, not to visit them and tell them He loves them only to let them rot in their self made prison.

The true Gospel challenges people in their sin, announcing the forgiveness of sin but calling on them to commit to the change that the Lord will bring as they follow Him. We don’t get salvation only to continue down the wide path into the darkness, rather the grace and mercy of God call us to confess to Him our sins and He will be faithful to forgive us of all unrighteousness to walk in the light as He is in the light.

In order to confess our sins we must recognize that we are wrong and that our lifestyle choices are killing us.

These may not be the best things to say in an election year when you hope to gain conservative LGBT votes following the Orlando shooting but is what needs to be said to save the United States.

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