He Touched Me…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAFTX_srkqQ&w=420&h=315]
Father, for every person around this globe today that needs a touch from you, we thank you that you can and will touch them. Lord, you are no respecter of persons and your answer is the same for every single person. Yes and Amen!
Today, no matter what someone is going through, you will meet them in their point of need. We join our faith with theirs and declare their lives will never be the same. Amen
Psalm 107:20 He sent His Word and Healed them and saved them from their destructions.
You can’t see my scars, they are hidden deep within. You say I look so nice and you think I’m doing oh so well.
My scar is oozing with pain, hurt and despair. Does anyone even realize the pain, I can hardly bare.
My scar you cannot see, my countenance does reflect, a bad choice, a dark day.
My scar, I’m left with feelings of shame and guilt. If abortion is the right choice, then why all the pain. My choice, my decision, my rights.
I’ve made my choice, now I hurt.
Many years later, when does the pain end? I thought you said it was just tissue, no real life. No! No! Please don’t buy that lie. It leaves a scar.
You can’t change it for me, medication can probably ooze the pain for a time, but then what’s the course?
Abortion, scars, pain and regret. Please consider offering alternatives.
Scars-marred for life. Don’t recommend abortion, It’s all about life.
Angel L. Murchison
Healing Waters Women’s Ministry