For God’s Glory Alone Radio on KDOM Sundays at 7:45am


Don’t Forget that For God’s Glory Alone radio ministry program airs Sundays at 7:45am on KDOM Radio 1580 AM and 94.3 FM in Windom, Minnesota. Today I will continue to share on the Characteristics of Godly people. We are on KDOM every Sunday at 7:45am for now, thanks to the love offering of a Windom resident. We thank all those who support FGGAM through love offerings. I pray that if you are not in Church at that time, you will be able to listen. Serve the King! Seek His Kingdom First, His glory, His righteousness. Hope in the eternal. Live for a greater reward! Amen!

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45

We pray that you will be blessed by this mornings radio ministry program on KDOM. It is our intent to shine the light of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the World.

We also pray that you and yours are in the House of our Lord this morning! If you do not have a home Church, please pray and seek a Church! There is nothing like the body of Christ to greet you and yours, to love and pray over you! Amen!

Pictured is Pat Fisher of Windom on the piano, what a blessing Pat is to all of us and to have her play the piano for us at the Windom Revival was such a blessing. Pat has become my Dear Sister in Christ. Pat plays the piano for God’s glory! She uses her God given talent that God gave her to spread the light of Jesus!

Also pictured is my Sister in Christ, Shari Johnson who traveled from West Virginia to sing and play the fiddle for us at the Windom Revival. Shari also has written for us at FGGAM.ORG for years! Shari is such a wonderful blessing, she is all about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, through her music and writing.

What does the Word of God say about using our God given talents for the Kingdom?

1 Peter 4:10….Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

I thank the Lord for my Sisters in Christ, Pat and Shari who blessDewey life verse me and Sharon with their friendship! They help us do the work that the Lord has assigned us to do! PTL! Amen!

From Pastor Rick McDaniel:

There are strong reasons why you should come to church regularly.

It Is What Jesus Did

Luke 14:6 says, “Jesus went back to Nazareth, where he’d been brought up and as usual he went to the meeting place on the Sabbath.” The Bible tells us that “as usual” or another translation of the Bible says “as was His custom” Jesus went to the place of worship. This is in keeping with obeying one of the Ten Commandments which is, “Observe the Sabbath by keeping it holy.” When we say we are followers of Christ, we’re supposed to do what Jesus has done. What would Jesus do? Jesus would go to church and we as followers of Christ should do the same. If we take seriously our followership of Christ, then we should go to church regularly.



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