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Gary Bauer: Obama Needs A Geography Lesson, Thousands of Illegal Voters and Record Border Crossings

Monday, October 3, 2016

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

Obama Needs A Geography Lesson

After President Obama spoke at last week’s funeral of late Israeli President Shimon Peres, the White House made a bold and offensive statement. It attempted to deny that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

The White House initially sent out a release noting the president’s remarks at the funeral in “Jerusalem, Israel.” But a “corrected” release was subsequently issued with “Israel” crossed out from the header.

Incredible! They had it right the first time. The “corrected” version is in fact wrong, not to mention deeply insulting to our Israeli allies.

This action sparked controversy on Capitol Hill. “For the White House to proactively reject Jerusalem as the capital of Israel after President Obama’s remarks memorializing one of the state’s founders is beyond insulting,” one senior congressional aide told the Washington Free Beacon.

It is undeniable that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state of Israel. Our friends at the Washington Free Beacon published a list of ten important places located in Jerusalem, including the prime minister of Israel’s home, his office, the Israeli parliament, Supreme Court, not to mention Judaism’s holiest site — the Temple Mount. According to the Obama Administration, none of these important locations are in Israel.

When administration officials deny that Jerusalem is part of Israel, they are playing into a well-financed effort that seeks to delegitimize the Jewish claim to Jerusalem and, by extension, deny Christian history. They are giving aid and comfort to those who would literally erase all of Judeo-Christian history in order to give Islamists control over the Holy City.

Israel’s enemies are not interested in half of Jerusalem. They want all of Jerusalem, just as they want to “liberate all of Palestine,” meaning destroy the entire state of Israel.

Thousands of Illegal Voters

Be on the lookout for zombies this Halloween — specifically zombie voters. Reports of dead voters in California, Colorado and Virginia are raising concerns about the integrity of our electoral process.

But while dead voters may be extreme examples of fraud, illegal immigrants registering to vote may be a far more common problem.

For example, a disturbing new report by the Virginia Voter Alliance found that there were more than 1,000 illegal immigrants who were registered to vote in Virginia. That’s not an insignificant figure given that the 2013 election for attorney general was decided by fewer than 170 votes.

Many of you will recall that the 2000 presidential election was decided by fewer than 600 voters in the state of Florida.

Moreover, these 1,046 illegal voters were discovered after a survey of just eight voting jurisdictions. That’s approximately 131 illegal immigrants per jurisdiction, and hundreds of them had in fact cast ballots.

The report states, “The problem is most certainly exponentially worse because we have no data regarding aliens on the registration rolls for the other 125 Virginia localities.”

If you do the math, more than 16,000 illegal immigrants could be registered to vote in Virginia.

Reports like this explain why voter ID laws are so popular, and they highlight that more must be done to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. Yet liberals fight tooth-and-nail whenever someone tries to stop voter fraud.

Here’s what you can do: Make sure all your friends and family members are registered to vote. Please don’t delay. Voter registration deadlines in many states are just days away!

Record Border Crossings

A new report by the Wilson Center suggests that 2016 may be a record year for illegal border crossings. The report notes that 2016 “has already seen the second highest number of apprehensions in the last five years.”

But researchers also found that apprehensions in August set a new five-year record, which is highly unusual. As the report states, “Normally, apprehensions begin to decline in August because of the heat and the reduced demand for seasonal labor in the U.S.”

So how many people are illegally crossing our porous border? Obviously, it is impossible to know for certain, but it was reported last month that “nearly 370,000 illegal immigrants have been apprehended in the first 11 months of the fiscal year.” And that was just how many were caught!

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