From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie DannTo demonstrate the Republican Party’s dicey situation up and down the ballot with just four weeks until Election Day, just look at the NBC/WSJ poll we released on Monday. According to the poll, two-thirds of GOP voters — 67% — say that Republican congressional candidates should continue to support Donald Trump after his lewd 2005 comments about women. Another 9% of Republican voters say these GOP candidates should no longer support Trump, and an additional 14% believe they should call on him to drop out of the presidential race. While that overall 67%-23% margin seems like good news for Trump, you can’t win a national election when nearly a quarter of your party thinks its candidates should dump Trump. Maybe more importantly, if you’re a Republican candidate who DOES want to discard Trump, you have two-thirds of your party’s voters disagreeing with you. It’s an unsustainable position for the Republican Party – and it explains why Republican members of Congress up for re-election are so conflicted about how to thread this needle.
The speaker’s announcement follows other GOP leaders who rescinded their endorsements of Donald Trump. Despite backing away from Trump, Speaker Ryan did not withdraw his endorsement.
In a new NBC News-WSJ poll taken after the Friday afternoon release of Donald Trump’s vulgar comments, but before Sunday’s debate, Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by double digits.