Holy Spirit Take Full Control Today…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Holy Spirit Take Full Control Today…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch-b1VkttqQ&w=560&h=315]

Father, we pray today that your people (myself included) will be lead by the Holy Spirit and not emotions, feelings, what we think or know.

God, we need the counsel of God to take complete control of our nation. I pray today by the power of the Holy Spirit, conviction as only He can.

God you said to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those that weep. (Romans 12:15) We should be rejoicing with others that have victory.

You desire to turn our mourning into dancing. (Psalm 30:11) You want to change us by the power of your Holy Spirit. People are important to you, oh God. We read Your Holy Scriptures how you died for people.

I pray today God’s people would ask for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for taking complete control of our lives. We want to be ambassadors for you here on the earth and we can’t do it by ourselves. Fill us up God and send us out to go make a difference. We truly want to live the book of Acts.

Let your glory fill the earth we pray oh God. Amen 

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Ask for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and receive.     

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