FGGAM NEWS received this news release from New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce: steve Pearce



Washington, DC (November 15, 2016) Today, the House Republican Conference voted unanimously to reelect Paul Ryan Speaker of the House, as well as reelect Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Majority Whip Steve Scalise. The unanimous reelection of Speaker Ryan shows Republicans in the House are united and committed to hitting the ground running with the Trump Administration in January.


“As our nation moves towards 2017 and the start of the 115th Congress, it is time to come together as a party, and a nation to address the pressing issues facing our nation. Republican control of the House, Senate, and White House means nothing unless we can move past the elections to work together to strengthen our nation. Together with President Trump and Vice-President Pence, a unified House will have the ability to take immediate action on critical issues ranging from health care to job crushing regulations.


“The American people cannot be ignored. The House must recognize and answer the calls and demands of the people. I look forward to working with Speaker Ryan and the House leadership team to fight for the values and policies New Mexicans want and need,” said Pearce.

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