Father, it seems like everything is frozen here in Maine, except our hearts. We want more of you God, we want more of you. Many church services are cancelled today, due to all the snow and ice. Thankfully, we can meet you right where we are-one on one. The creator of the universe is always waiting to communicate with mankind.
We want more of you in every aspect of our lives, oh God. This Christmas season Father, we desire to know you deeper, we want to know you better. We ask you to search our hearts and see if there are any frozen places within it, that the love of Christ can and will melt away. You change us from glory to glory. Our hearts desire it to reflect you, and you alone.
Thank you for setting a fire in our hearts here in Maine Lord, let it burn throughout the nation(s). We want more of you and we want to be more like you. We are not satisfied in just knowing about you, we want to journey deeper. Deep calleth unto deep today. (Psalm 42:7)
Thank you for your presence this Christmas Lord, like we have never known before. We want more of you, Lord. We want more of you. Holy Spirit set our hearts on fire. (Tell Him, if this is true in your heart today.) Amen
Have a blessed day beautiful people, may the Holy Scriptures warm your heart today.