Has The Healing Begun? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Has The Healing Begun?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whb-XSOog8k&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for healing. Your Word is full of scriptures to declare over our lives in regards to healing. Whether it is our towns, cities, homes, our personal lives, you are the healer.

Thank you for starting the healing in our nation, let it  spread to the nation(s). You are a God that rebuilds the ancient ruins. (Isaiah 61:4) You are the one true God that watches over Your Word to perform it. May the people today be amazed what Your word can accomplish and choose to believe.

We pray today that as we join our faith with one another, we will see the manifestation of Your Word as the healing balm of gilead (Jer. 8:22).

Thank you for grace and mercy. Thank you that the healing has begun.

Have a blessed day beautiful people, it’s time to receive.

Psalm 107:20 He sent out His word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions.



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