Friend —

As we launch forward into 2017, our nation still needs our continued prayers.  Please mark your calendar to join the Pray for America National Prayer Call on Thursday, January 5th, focusing on:

  • Anne Graham Lotz First Thursday Call to Prayer focus 
  • Year in Review: Praise and Repentance
  • Inauguration of President Elect Donald Trump, Vice-President Elect Mike Pence
  • Pray 100: First 100 Days of New Administration
  • Law Enforcement, National Security, Standing with Israel

Join us by conference call, at 712-432-0075, enter 4961322# to join the call.

8-10 pm ET

7-9 pm CT

6-8 pm MT

5-7 pm PT

This prayer call is held every first Thursday of the month at the same time and number.  Please invite others to these national prayer calls hosted by the National Day of Prayer Task Force.

Lisa Crump

Chief Operations Officer

Looking Back on 2016


In addition to our key initiatives, there were more than 7,500 stories that ran on the National Day of Prayer in the media, reaching millions of people. Our Facebook posts were seen by 1,463,819 people, with 169,793 people engaged. The 2016 Theme Video was viewed 482,175 times on Facebook and YouTube. By comparison, the 2015 Theme Video was viewed 102,828 times. This number fails to capture the number of people who showed the video in churches or at events from the purchased DVD kits. Over 137,281 people viewed the live broadcast on the National Day of Prayer website. Another 32,336 people viewed the video of Shirley Dobson passing the baton to Anne Graham Lotz on Social Media. Our combined web traffic was 3 91,147 people for the month of April into May 5. This surpasses the last year by over 100,000 people.

As you can see, over the past year, we have successfully connected with thousands of new individuals. With your help, we can engage hundreds of thousands more to pray in 2017! This vital movement is truly on the rise, evidenced by the ever-increasing participation in our annual observances and year-round mobilization efforts. Your faithful help serves a critical role in the ongoing success of our mission.

Download your copy of the Impact Report by clicking here

NDP_2017_Theme_Large_Poster.jpgLooking Ahead to 2017

Many Christians are unaware that they live in a nation that has a law in place requiring our President proclaim a National Day of Prayer each year on the first Thursday in May.

The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals. (Public Law 105-225)

As citizens and residents of the United States and as believers in Christ Jesus,we not only have a spiritual responsibility according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2 to pray, but a civic duty as well to heed our President’s call to stand in the gap for our nation. Who but God’s people have the ability to enter into the very throne room of Heaven with prayers and petitions!

Our theme this year is For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us… Forgive Us…Heal Us!Taken from Daniel 9:19, which says, “O Lord, Listen! O Lord, Forgive! O Lord, Hear and Act! For Your Sake, O My God…”. As the 2017 National Day of Prayer on May 4th approaches, thousands of individuals, churches, and communities will be working to rally millions of Christians to once again heed this call!

Scripture tells us again and again that our fervent prayer is effective. That our loving God responds to His children’s earnest pleas in mighty ways that avail much, and ultimately determine the course of history. If you would like to sponsor an event, become a volunteer, or obtain resources to help promote an event in your area, visit our website at

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