Headlines from Jerusalem, 11 January 2017

“From my distress I called upon the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me in a large place. The Lord is for me; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” Psalm 118:5-6


Obama and Netanyahu Give Conflicting Messages on UN Resolution

US President Barack Obama gave an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 news program which aired Tuesday as he prepares to leave office next week. In the interview, Obama flatly denied the Israeli assertion that his administration orchestrated the recent UN Security Council Resolution 2334 which harshly criticized Israeli communities in the West Bank and eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem. On the same day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a visiting delegation of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in which he said there was “no question whatsoever” that the Administration had done what Obama denied it had done.
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Details Emerge of Restrictions on US Military Aid to Israel

The US State Department on Tuesday released the unclassified portions of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) on $38 billion in US military assistance to Israel between 2019 and 1028 signed by the two governments in September 2016. Some analysts in Israel expressed alarm at the provisions.
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Israel Notes Uptick in Palestinian Vioence

The IDF released a report Tuesday showing, among other things, a growing trend of violent attacks by Palestinians against Israelis in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The majority of the attacks are carried out with crude but deadly weapons such as rocks and gasoline bombs, but there have also been several shooting attacks, even as the IDF confiscated a record number of illegal firearms in 2016, as well as discovering and demolishing 43 workshops where homemade firearms were being manufactured for use in terror attacks.

African Leaders Visit Israel Despite BDS Movement

Mmusi Maimane, leader of the opposition in South Africa’s parliament, is in Israel this week for a quiet, personal visit in defiance of demand by South African President Jacob Zuma for citizens to avoid travel to the Jewish State. Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma also arrived in Israel on Tuesday for a four-day visit, during which he is scheduled to have meetings and visits with several government officials as well as business leaders and universities with projects related to his country.

Israel blesses the world

Residents of the Bordeaux region of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, have begun to benefit from a wastewater treatment plant designed by Israeli water-tech company Emefcy. The plant serves around 200 households and uses only 10% of the energy used by more traditional forms of sewage treatment. Emefcy officials expressed hope that the small plant is only the beginning of opportunities to install similar systems throughout the region and serve as a gateway into the large US market.


Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests
Anthony Cordesman, CSIS

The events in Iran and the Gulf during the last week have been a grim reminder that Iran remains the major threat to U.S. strategic interests in the Gulf and the Middle East, and that General James Mattis has been all too correct in singling out Iran as such a threat. Iran has the ability to trigger a major war in the region. There is nothing theoretical about this threat.
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Understanding the Rising Wave of Islamist Terror
Analysis from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Boko Haram, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas. Why are there so many different radical Islamic groups? What do they have in common? And what do they ALL want to achieve? Watch and share widely.
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ICEJ TV-Welcoming Home Ethiopian Jews

After many years of waiting, Ethiopian Jews are now being reunited with their families in Israel. The ICEJ had the amazing privilege of not only sponsoring the whole flight, but also welcoming them home.
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Feast of Tabernacles 2017: 6-11 Oct

The 2017 Feast will be an historic convocation with great prophetic significance as Israel celebrates 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem. You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience to celebrate this Jubilee feast in the “City of God”!
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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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