WOW! Powerful movement of the Holy Spirit at the Assembly of God Church in Clayton, New Mexico! What a day in our Lord! I want to thank Pastor Randall Floyd for inviting me to preach! The message was from God….The Holy Spirit moved powerfully. I pray for more men like Randall Floyd, filled with the Holy Spirit, powerful man of God, such passion for God and people. It was a blessing to meet Pastor Floyd’s angel wife, Cindy and their sons! The congregation showed myself and Pastor Ricky Gordon of FGGAM so much Godly love.

What I saw yesterday was Pastor Floyd, Cindy and the boys attend to the flock. The Clayton area is so very blessed to have the Floyd family. They all have a deep passion for the people of the area. Clayton is in the far Northeast corner of New Mexico, I could throw a baseball into Texas and into Oklahoma from there! LOL! Next door is Texline, Texas.

I have a love for the Churches in rural America. I come from rural America, from Windom, Minnesota. The Church is still the backbone. Having served in Catron County for 4 1/2 years I know how the people love God and their local Church, where, perhaps their grandpa and grandma were founding members. We must protect our Christian heritage, it is what founded this great nation, it is what in the past, has guided us toward heaven.

So, when I see a Pastor Like Randall Floyd, angel wife Cindy and their sons, and the congregation on FIRE for the LORD, it brings me great joy!



A Churches spiritual fire is directly connected to each members faith and commitment to the Lord!

In Acts 4…..

All of the believers were filled with the Spirit!

All of the believers prayed together and spoke the Word of God boldly!

All of the believers shared their possessions with those in need!

All of the believers experienced the incredible POWER OF GOD in their lives!

PS: Right now the Clayton Assembly of God has an awesome effort going on, providing new shoes and socks for kids in need in the local schools.

Yesterday I awoke at 3am to prepare for the day, prayed, read, went over my sermon notes, updated the FGGAM website and Pastor Ricky and I left at 5:30am and got back into Albuquerque at 6:30 last night, a FULL DAY IN THE LORD! AMEN!!! PTL!!!

Pictured on the left, myself and on the right was blessed to visit with Pastor Floyd before and after the service. If you would like me to preach at your Church, I would be blessed to come, email me please.

Did you know that FGGAM is a 501c3? Please pray about a love offering to the ministry that reaches out to the world from Albuquerque, NM. Giving has slowed here at FGGAM since 2017 started. Please pray for us. Please pray about becoming a monthly donor. $25.00 a month goes a long way here at FGGAM, a bare bone ministry!

From Oswald Chambers:

By faith  Abraham obeyed; and he went out, not knowing
whither he went.
    Hebrews 11:8
The great point of Abraham’s faith in God was that he was
prepared to do anything for God. He was there to obey God,
no matter to what belief he went contrary.

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