Do I Hear You Saying? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Do I Hear You Saying? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Today, let’s thank God for the dreams and visions He has placed within each of you. Do you feel it is totally out of our league. That’s great, because it is. This means God will accomplish His plan for your life as you continue to take faith steps. Do I hear you saying Amen?

Today, let’s declare this is the year for explosion of the gospel of Jesus Christ to go all across this globe through every means possible.  Time is short and the harvest is ripe. Today, let’s declare that the airwaves will be full of hope, faith, new beginnings and the Word of God. Let’s believe people will have encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Let’s declare that your visions and dreams will be fulfilled this year. Do I hear you saying Amen?

Awaken, oh ye people, awaken and step into the destiny God has called you. It is no time for anyone to neither be slack nor slumber for time is short and the need is great.

Together, we declare open doors for God’s people. We declare the Gospel Message will spread like wildfire all across this nation and to the nation(s). To the whole world, seven continents, the Light of Christ is coming; it is already on its way. Do I hear you saying Amen?

Every morning is a new day and the spirit of the Lord is drawing you to Himself. If you already walk with Him, press in and walk closer. If you don’t know Him, today is your day. He is no respecter of persons and He has no favorites. You are the apple of His eye. (Psalm 17:8) Call on His name, believe His Word. He loves you!

Declare you will take off in the ministry God has called you to. Press in, press in until you are ready and taking off. It’s time to enlarge the territory. Together we will expand the Kingdom of God. Do I hear you saying Amen?

All across this globe today, declare it is your year. It is your year of destiny. Who get’s all the glory? God, for great things He is doing and will continue to do. He is Lord. Do I hear you saying Amen?

Father, thank you for showing Your glory all across this land. Together, we say Amen. 

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Amen and Amen…

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