I Want to Be Holy!


Dear FGGAM family,

I saw a video last night of protesters blocking an ambulance in Chicago. I got very sick to my stomach. This is not how God intended us to be.I weeped at this sight. The Police had great patients with the people protesting. I remember back home this happening in Mankato, Minnesota during the Vietnam War, protesters blocking a bridge so an Ambulance could not get to the Mankato hospital. This is unGodly behavior. We are called to be a Holy people in all we do and say. It is not right to endanger the lives of others.
I also am sadden in my spirit of postings here on Facebook from all sides. All your name calling and speaking down to people does not attract anyone to your side.
For me I want to attract people to Jesus Christ, not myself.
I want to be Holy. I want people to see our Lord Jesus Christ, not what I have to say.
Pray for me, i want to be Holy.

I am not a Republican or Democrat, I am a registered Independent, I am not a politician. I am for and with God!

From Adrian Rogers this morning at FGGAM.ORG: God expects us to be holy. But when most people talk about holiness, they get a little nervous. They’re interested in heaven and the hereafter but not holiness in the here and now. They’re interested in health, happiness, even helpfulness, but not holiness.

I had the privilege years ago to spend a day in prayer with Dr. Billy Graham and some other men. As we were sitting around a table sharing, Billy Graham said something I shall never forget. He said, “Gentlemen, I long to be holy. I want to be a holy man. Pray for me, that I will be holy.”

Can you say, “More than anything in this world, I long to be holy”? If you can’t, then spend some time today asking God to turn your heart to His and give you the desire to live a holy life.

Read more at FGGAM.ORG Have a blessed day and let us all strive to live a Holy life!

“When a man is getting better, he understands more and more clearly the evil that’s left in him. When a man is getting worse, he understands his own badness less and less.”–C.S. Lewis

From Oswald Chambers: Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all
thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct
thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

If you will God your right to yourself ,He will make
a holy experiment out of you. God’s experiments
always succeed.

Please also do not make fun of other people.

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