One Word Changes Everything…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


One Word Changes Everything…

Father, thank you for journeying life with mankind. As we meditate on Your Holy Scriptures as we hearken to the still small voice, you speak. Sometimes the words from a loyal friend, other times it is something you drop in our spirits. You communicate with us every day.

You tell us God that where there is unity there is a blessing.(Psalm 133) We ask you Lord to forgive us for when we haven’t done our part and ask you to empower us to walk in unity. We know unity doesn’t mean we will agree on all the same things, but come together for the well being of the cause.

God in our nation, in our churches, in our families, in our work places, unite us together to deal with the issues. Your Word tells us that you died for us all- grace freely given to us and freely we should give away.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Ask God to show you where you can walk higher in unity.


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