Dr. Guy Clark: NM Action Alert For HB 250 Prevent Lottery Expansion

Photo of Dr. Guy Clark of Stop Predatory Gambling of New Mexico


Dear Friends,

As you may have heard, HB 250 passed the WHOLE HOUSE in a 63 to 1 vote–THANK YOU!!  It now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Remember that HB250  would PREVENT expansion of the lottery to Play at the Pump, Keno, Video Lottery Terminals (read shot machines), and Online lottery play.

We need to contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and encourage them to pass this important bill.  Personal contacts are the best contact, followed by telephone contact, followed by fax, followed by email, in order of effectiveness. Most contacts will be by phone.  If a committee member is your representative, it is especially important to contact him/her, but all contacts are important.

When you call their office, usually you will have to leave a message with their secretary.  Be polite and patient.  You don’t have to sound like an expert on the bill.  Use your own words to say why you want the senator to support HB 250.  You might mention that you don’t like any expansion of the lottery, or playing it at the gas pump is a bad idea, or you are worried about video lottery games.  But mainly, just ask them to support HB 250.


The Senate Judiciary Committee will probably hear HB 250 within the next seven days.  The list of committee members is below.  Click on their name and it will bring up their legislative website with their contact information.

Please pass this action alert on to your contact lists where appropriate.

It is important that you call or otherwise contact the senators as soon as possible. 

Richard Martinez

Daniel A. Ivey-Soto

Gregory A. Baca

Jacob Candelaria

Joseph Cervantes

Ron Griggs

Linda M Lopez

Cisco McSorley

Mark Moores

Peter Wirth

William H. Payne

Thanks for your support,


Dr. Guy C. Clark, chairman

Stop Predatory Gambling New Mexico

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