“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5
Meekness is one of the most confused adjectives in all of the Beatitudes because most people confuse meekness with weakness. Jesus said He was “meek and lowly” (see Matthew 11:29), but He wasn’t weak.
The word “meek” means “strength that is brought under control.”
When horse trainers “break” horses, they describe what they do as “meeked.” They don’t cripple the horses or take away their strength. They train them to use their strength in control.
In the same way, God doesn’t come into your life to cripple you. Why would He follow with “for they shall inherit the earth”? God did not make this world for the devil’s crowd. He made the world for you.
Ask your heavenly Father today to break the strongholds in your life, break your strong will, and replace it with His strength under discipline. He will do it, if you give Him permission. This is the heart of true meekness. |