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Hamas Recruits Israeli-Arabs


Headlines from Jerusalem, 9 June 2017

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it” Matthew 7:13-14


Hebrew U. Ranked in Top 1% of Universities Worldwide

The prestigious 2018 QS World University Rankings were published on Thursday, placing Jerusalem’s Hebrew University 145th in the world, up three spots from last year’s Rankings. Tel Aviv University, the Technion and Ben Gurion University of the Negev were also ranked highly on the list which surveys 26,000 institutions of higher learning worldwide.
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Hamas Recruits Israeli-Arabs

Three Arab citizens of Israel were charged Thursday with planning an assassination attempt against an Israeli military officer in revenge for the IDF killing senior Hamas operative Mazen Fuqaha in May. According to the Israel police, the three suspects all had prior criminal records and were discovered in the course of an investigation into other illegal activities in their village of Jaljulya, near Kfar Saba. Hamas had provided training and guidance for the plot.
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Haredi Man Indicted for Inciting Against IDF General

40-year-old Moshe Iraam, a member of Jerusalem’s Ultra-Orthodox (haredi) community, was indicted Thursday in the Nazareth Magistrate’s Court on various charges stemming from an incident on 5 May in which he accosted IDF Manpower Directorate, Maj.-Gen. Moti Almoz as he left Friday evening prayers at the Synagogue near his home at Moshav Kfar Tavor in the Lower Galilee. According to the indictment, Iraam was angry that Almoz has spoken in favor of haredi men volunteering to serve in the IDF, among other things, and during his confrontation with Almoz he shouted abuse including a warning that God would punish him for this.

Massive Outbreak of Cholera in Yemen

Officials in Israel and a number of other Middle Eastern countries were watching in alarm as reports of a rapidly expanding epidemic of cholera ravaged the war-torn country of Yemen, with over 100,000 cases reported since 27 April. The World Health Organization issued a report this week saying that the destruction of health care facilities and general chaos caused by the ongoing conflict has allowed the outbreak to spread rapidly to 19 of the country’s 23 governorates.

IS Under Pressure in Raqqa

US-backed Kurdish and Arab militias have entered Raqqa, the titular “capital” of the Islamic State (IS) terror militia in Syria. Hard fighting has occurred in several neighborhoods of the city, producing large numbers of casualties on all sides. Coalition aircraft and Special Forces troops are taking part in the attack, also supplying weapons to the militias. A coalition spokesman said the battle in and around Raqqa is expected to take several weeks.


Turkey: NATO’s Odd One Out
Burak Bekdil, BESA

NATO’s deepening “Turkey problem” is contained in the country’s Islamist ideology, conspicuous “un-likemindedness”, and democratic anomalies, which stand against NATO’s founding values of safeguarding freedom and the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and rule of law.
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Israel Remembers the Six Day War

ICEJ News Staff have collected a series of videos produced by Israel and historic news footage to remember the Six Day War of June, 1967, which we encourage our readers to watch and share.
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ICEJ Teaching- Isaiah 62

Rev. Malcolm Hedding expounds on the sixty-second chapter of Isaiah, from which the inspiration is derived for the ICEJ’s global prayer campaign. We invite you to join this global movement of prayer by using our monthly prayer points whenever you pray corporately or individually.
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Feast of Tabernacles 2017: 6-11 Oct

The 2017 Feast will be an historic convocation with great prophetic significance as Israel celebrates 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem. You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience to celebrate this Jubilee feast in the “City of God”!
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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

ICEJ News is a free email service providing news and comments on Middle East affairs compiled by journalists at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and supported by donations from subscribers.

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