FGGAM News just received this news release from Congressman Pearce’s office:



Washington, DC (June 1, 2017) Congressman Steve Pearce released the following statement after President Trump made the decision to withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal:


“Any agreement the United States enters into regarding climate or emissions must ensure affordable and reliable energy is available to every New Mexican family. We all agree that we want clean air and clean water, but the United States cannot saddle the global burden of change on the backs of the American people.


Under both President Bush and President Obama, the United States made enormous strides in reducing emissions and developing cleaner energy generation, but we cannot control nor guarantee the actions of other countries in this effort.


Since day one, the Paris Climate agreement has been unattainable for New Mexico and our nation. The Agreement will force American energy producers to dramatically change their business or shut down, ultimately limiting options for families across New Mexico, while allowing some of the worst global actors to take action as they see fit. This has never been a fair deal for Americans.”


In 2016, President Obama unilaterally bypassed the Constitution by signing the Paris Climate Deal without proper authorization of the U.S. Senate. Read Rep. Pearce’s statement on the original Paris Climate Deal here.

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