In such a divided country, it is rare to see that much joy on the faces of government officials. What do you think these politicians are celebrating? A solution to homelessness? No. Lower taxes? Not a chance. New business development? Nope.
This is Oregon Governor
Kate Brown (D) at a signing ceremony for a new law forcing every insurance company in her state to provide “free” abortions, which really means that everyone will be subsidizing abortions. The law even includes a special $500,000 fund, courtesy of Oregon taxpayers, to provide abortions for illegal immigrants.
In a nation founded on the principle that we are all endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to life, it is tragic to see any politician celebrating “free abortions.” This is just one more disturbing reminder of how pro-abortion the so-called “progressive” movement has become.
L’Shanah TovahTo all of our Jewish friends and supporters, Carol and I wish you a happy Rosh Hashanah!