Help us with Windom Revival 2017 please
Please join us in praying for Windom Revival 2017!!! We are praying for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit.
We are coming off such a blessed Revival in Edgewood, NM this past weekend.
What is REVIVAL? People have so many definitions.
How about this from Adrian Rogers……..
Revival always begins when people begin to confess their faults to one another, pray for one another, and forgive one another. Revival isn’t raising the roof with a lot of emotion. It is getting the walls down. It is not just saying, “I am going to get right with God.” It is saying, “I want to get right with my brothers and sisters.”
When we are reconciled, revival will come. And rejoicing will surely follow. And not any kind of rejoicing, there will be Holy Spirit joy when you know there is nothing between your soul and the Savior and nothing between your soul and a brother! Joy unspeakable!
Please pray for us and we prepare for Windom Revival 2017. Thank you so very much!
“Whosoever will reign with Christ in heaven, must have Christ reigning in him on earth”
John Wesley